Capter I

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As a child, Espresso never liked the outside world. He preferred staying inside and studying magic. (Coffee magic to be exact.) He was abandoned by his parents when he was a young boy. Dark Enchantress had found him wandering around the woods. He was badly injured by some monsters because Dark Enchantress had saved him he saw her as his savior and vowed to protect and serve her. Now in the present day he has earned the title of one of the strongest members in the group. Since this title was bestowed on him many people fear him and not dare try to fight him except.....for a one particular person. A young light paladin commander who is daring enough to fight this such strong sorcerer..

Madeline's Pov
I ride my white horse, Sugar. We make it to the dark forest where it is said that the Dark Enchabtreas and her cultists live. I notice a castle in the far distance. I tie Sugar to a nearby tree. "I'll be back Sugar, my steed." I patted Sugar before heading into the forest. I made my way through hordes of hounds. Killing them in one single slash of my sword.  Afterward I made it to the entrance of the castle. It was quite big....I noticed an open window nearby so I climbed up with a rope I had with me and made my way to the window. I went through the window and ended up in a hallway.  I slowly walk through the hall passing by paintings. I noticed a group painting of all the members. One of the members interested me. They had brown hair, glasses, and looked like a nerd. I stared at him for a few seconds before moving on.

"Halt intruder!" I paused and turned to see Red Velvet who was standing right behind me. "State your business intruder." Red Velvet said getting into a fighting stance. "Um.....I''m just here to visit my umm...lover!" I said. "That was the dumbest excuse I've ever heard-" Red Velvet sighed. There was an awkward silence before Red Velvet charged at me. I blocked his attack with my sword before slashing his cheek with my sword.

We fought for what felt like hours before we were both exhausted.  Red Velvet sent his hounds after me which in response I ran for my life.  I ran into a tower closing the door behind me. Some of the hounds tried to break the door down but I locked it in time.  I notice a pair of stairs which I walk up on.  I make it to another door slowly opening it.  It was a room which a person was sitting on a desk working on something. It seemed like the person was the same one I saw in the painting. "Why won't this work?" The person said frustrated..

I slowly approached the person...."Creeeeeeak" The person turned around and we locked eyes. We stayed still for a few seconds before...."INTRUDER!!!!" The person shouts out, summoning some flaming coffee bean? And started throwing them at me. I managed to block some and jumped out of the window. 

I ran to my steed, untieing Sugar and quickly rode back home.

I entered my house quite tired, greeting my 3 Aunties before walking into my room. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about him, his gorgeous hair and beautiful brown eyes.... I had fallen in love.....with the enemy.

A/N- òwó I swear we will write longer chapters
CA/N- Fell out a window without breaking any bones 🤨


Words- 601

The Isolated Sorcerer [Madeline X Evil Espresso]Where stories live. Discover now