Chapter dos

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Espresso's Pov 

I watched as they jumped out of my window……what just happened?  I questioned.  Red Velvet opened my room door.  "Where???!!"  Red Velvet said, looking around.  "They just jumped down the window."  I responded.  "Wha-"  Red Velvet was questioning life.  "...Hey um are you alright though?  Cuz you know…."  "Yes..I'm fine, that was all in the past,  Red Velvet."  I said to him,  I got up and cleaned up my room.  "Very well."  Red Velvet said before leaving my room.  I sighed.  'It must be him….I can't believe he is still alive….and he has grown quite a lot.  But is that really him?'  I sat back down and opened a book that I was reading.  


A young child was crying surrounded by dead bodies and rubble.  They held on to a strange pendant, it gleamed under the moonlight.  "You poor child…."  Someone approaches the child.  "Come with me, I will teach you how to control your power."  The stranger lends the child her hand.  The child looks up at the woman.  "Oh your eye….I'll help you get a new one."  The young child grabs onto the woman's hand getting up.  "....."  The child seemed nervous.  "It's ok you'll have a wonderful family that will love you…."  The two walk off into the forest disappearing.  


Espresso wakes up from his dream.  'What a weird dream….did I just fall asleep?'  I thought to myself.  I got up and noticed a plate of grapes on my desk.  Maybe Red Velvet left it here for me.  I touch my pendant….it's still there thank god.  I take one of the grapes and throw it into my mouth.  These are some pretty good grapes.  I ate another one.  I notice a note next to the grapes.  

"Meeting at 2 PM"  

Tsk…I put on my outfit before descending down my tower and straight to the meeting room.  Red Velvet was the only one there currently in which I sat next to him.  "Bet Poison Mushroom will be late."  Red Velvet said, petting his hound.  "Nah I think Licorice."  I responded while reading a book.  

-After a while-  

Everyone has arrived….I look at the empty seat where Dark Choco was supposed to be sitting.  I heard he had left the group….due to guilt or something.  "My children I have called you all to assign you new missions."  I paid attention.  "Red Velvet I would like to continue to let your hounds and monsters patrol the area.  Pomegranate keeps on getting information from the Creme Republic.   Poison Mushroom and Licorice you two raid a nearby village or something.  Lastly, Espresso I want you to infatuate the Creme Republic and steal some important documents.  I have heard from Pomegranate that they have made a new weapon."  I slowly nodded.  Normally Dark Enchantress never gives me a mission to travel somewhere far off….hm….I guess it is that important.  

-After Dark Enchantress dismisses everyone–

"Good Luck Espresso I mean Americano."  Red Velvet said giving me an eye patch.  "What's this for?"  "Your eye Espresso."  Red Velvet puts the eye patch on my right eye.  "Oh thanks"  I thanked Red Velvet before setting off as Americano since I can't be caught as Espresso.  I used some of my coffee magic to get to the Creme Republic.  I slowly entered the place admiring the place.  I had a cloak on me I didn't want to drag any attention.  I noticed a nearby inn.  I did have some coins on me….why not….I entered the inn.  

"Hello welcome to the inn would you like to stay here and how many nights?"  The person at the counter asked me.  "I would like to stay here for a week."  I gave them the coins.  "Very well your room number is 120"  they said then handed me the keys.  "Thank you"  I walked to the room.  Opening the room.  It was nice I guess.  Setting my bag down on the bed.  Time to get this over with.  I put on a new outfit before taking a bottle of black dye and contact lenses.  Pomegranate had been able to get me a new ID and identity.  I was supposed to be Americano, who is a new science teacher.  My shift starts tomorrow. 

-Next Day owo-

I woke up early in the morning.  I didn't want to be late for my first day of teaching.  I exited out of the inn and headed to the academy.  I'm supposed to teach the students about magic and alchemy, but of course this is just a disguise🥸 so I can't get attach to any of the students nor the other staff members.  

I entered the academy. It was quite a big academy, not gonna lie.  I entered the teacher's lounge.  I noticed two people standing there and talking to each other.  I tried to silently get my coffee but one of them noticed me.  "Hello you must be the new teacher.  My name is Latte and this is Eclair, you?"  "Oh….um I'm Americano the new science teacher."  I smiled.  "Nice to meet you Americano. "  "What's with the eye patch?"  Eclair asks.  "Oh….just an accident I had."  I said quickly, pouring coffee into my cup.  "What kind of accident?"  Eclair asked.  "I um…'s personal."  I grabbed my cup of coffee and quickly walked out of the room.  I'll have to be careful of Eclair……I walked to my classroom and entered.  I looked around.  It made myself comfortable[not too comfortable of course].  I looked at the time….almost time for the school day to start.  I took a deep breath then took a sip of my coffee.

-The bell started ringing–

I can hear the students rushing into the academy.  I hear many chattering students walk past my room.  Slowly some students enter my room talking to each other. They look at me a second before taking their seats.  I wait until the whole class is here.  

I stand up from my desk.  "Hello students….I'm Mr. Americano and I will be your substitute science teacher for this week."  I said politely.  A student raised their hand.  "Yes um…."  "Cream Puff,  sir, is it true you are a coffee user?"  The young girl asked.  "Yes I am a coffee user.  I come from a small village."  I said.  "Are you gonna teach us how your magic works???"  "We'll see.  Now please take your um Magic Science book and turn to page 38." I said looking at the note the science teacher left for me to read.  

"Class dismissed"  I said as the bell rang for the end of the period.  I watch as the students get up and walk out of the classroom.  Creampuff waved goodbye to me as I waved back.  I got this period all to myself.  I suppose I can grade some of these worksheets.  I slowly started grading until I got lost in thought.  Madeline……


I open my eyes to notice younger me.  He ran past me laughing happily.  Young me was being chased by someone the same age but….they had black covering their face.  "You can't catch me~"  the younger me taunted them.  I couldn’t really figure out who it was.  All of a sudden Dark Enchantress appeared out of nowhere.  Everything went black.


I woke up in a startle noticing I had slept through the period……I noticed Latte knocking on my door.  I signaled her to come in.  "Hey Americano …..sorry about Eclar he loves learning about other peoples history."  "Oh no it's fine, just the eye patch thing is personal though."  "I understand but....friends?"  Latte extends her hand.  I chuckled before saying "friends..."  I shook her hand.

A/N- Friendship òwó  

The Isolated Sorcerer [Madeline X Evil Espresso]Where stories live. Discover now