Chapter 5

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Espresso's Pov

Arriving at the academy I enter my classroom to drop down my things then heading to the staff break room to get some coffee.  I noticed Latte talking to Madeline as I wait for the coffee machine to finish making my coffee.

"Hey Espresso" Latte said happily to me.  "Hi...."  I said not really in the mood to act like Amercanio.  "Is something wrong my friend?"  Madeline asked concerned.  "No just...tired."  I said taking my coffee that was done and chugging it down.  Madeline and Latte looked at me in concern.  "I'll be heading to the...schoolyard now."  I said rushing out of the room.  As I hear Madeline calling my name. 

I dashed to the schoolyard to see everyone working hard and getting ready.  Damn it I have appeared to be in a more populated area than before....I slowly walk through the different stalls that were being prepared for the childern.  I wasn't very interested in any of them.  I made it to the end of the stalls.  Seeing Éclair happily checking things off his clip board.  "Oh great timing Americano I was looking for you."  Éclair rushed towards me. 

I looked at him.  "I was hoping ig you can perform some coffee magic on stage because the other coffee user is currently sick."  I looked at Éclair.  "Do I look like I am a magician???"  I said annoyed.  Éclair stared at me which got me uneasy.  I sighed.  "Fine....."  "Great!  You will be performing with Madeline."  Éclair smiled as he walks away.  I groan in annoyance.  Sometimes I wish to be back home and studying in my old room.

I went back inside the building and saw Madeline walking towards me.  Great how many more people are gonna approach today.  "Hey Americano"  Madeline said happily as if nothing happened.  I looked at him for a second before walking away to my classroom.  In which Madeline follows behind.  "Americano where are you going?"  "To my classroom not please stop following I am not in the mood."  I said in a tired yet annoyed tone.  "Why have you slept well my friend."  Madeline asked in a concern tone.  "I....have, now please leave me alone"  I walked away and noticed Madeline had stopped following me.  I sighed in relief and entered my classroom.

Sitting down on my chair, using my coffee magic I made a book from one of the shelves levitate towards me.  It was just my journal of all the magic/abilities I can use with my magic.  I looked through my old research and found a spell that was small but yet amazing to look at which I decided to use for the event.

I hummed a small tone as I try the spell out.  It was really easy to do it which means that's one thing off my list of things to do today.  I leaned back against my chair a little.  Maybe just a few minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt I do have 20 minutes left till my class comes in.  Slowly I closed my eyes.

3rd Person's Pov

As the bell rang Cream Puff's class walked into Americano's classroom and took their seats.  As Madeline followed behind since he wanted to speak to Americano.  The class was noticed their teacher asleep.  Madeline also noticed.  'Should I wake Americano up?'  Madeline thought to himself.  "Hey kids would you like to learn about some light magic instead?"  Madeline ask the class which they decided among each other until nodding.  'I should let him sleep he has been tired the whole day.'  Madeline smiled at the class.  "I promise you this will be very fun!"  Madeline said happily making his sword and shield appear out of nowhere.   


Espresso slowly wakes up to hear the bell ringing and the students getting up and leaving.  "hm?"  Espresso then lifted up his head to see Madeline somewhat watching him.  "GAH!"  Espresso jumped in surprise to see the paladin staring at him.  "Good morning!"  You have been asleep for the whole period you were that tired weren't you Americano?"  "Huh?  Oh no the class?!!!"  Espresso said in panic.  "Its fine Americano I taken care of your class while in your absents."  Madeline said walking over to the other side of the desk on Espresso's side.  "You feeling better?"  Madeline asked the somewhat still tired mage.  Espresso nodded getting up and stretching like a cat[lol].

"Thanks for teaching my class as I rest."  Espresso said quietly.  "No problem Americano"  Madeline wagged his imaginary tail happy to get thanked.  "You wanna go get some doughnuts after school?"  Espresso asked Madeline.  Which Madeline replies nodding his head.  


All the students who attended the academy were running around the school yard, playing games, buying things, and trying to wings prizes.  Espresso was trying out a outfit Éclair has ask him to wear something about having to match with Madeline.  After putting the outfit on his walked out of the changing stall and presented himself to Éclair.  "Happy????"  Espresso said in a annoyed tone.  "Very!"  Éclair said happily.  Madeline gave a nod of approval as he was in his outfit as well.  "Now you two shall start performing after the principle finishes his speech."  Madeline nodded grabbing Espresso's hand and dragging him to the stage's side.

Espresso's Pov

I was getting slightly nervous though I felt like me and Madeline didn't practice enough and why would the students wants to see their professor in a almost showy outfit performing with a paladin???????  I started to regret my actions until Madeline put his hand on my shoulder.  "You'll be fine Americano if something goes wrong I'll be there to make things better."  Madeline smiled kindly.  "Thanks"  I said letting out a sigh.  "But should we do a little practice just in ca-"  Madeline shushed me up.  "hush you'll be fine!"  Madeline said while patting my head.  I nodded calming down as Madeline petted me.

I completely zoned out as the only that I felt where Madeline's patting my head.  Then I heard music and snapped out of my zoning noticing the principle just finished his speech.  "Alright Americano its our turn!"  My panic started to come back as Madeline held on to my hand and went up the stage.

The audience/crowd clapped loudly as bright spotlights aim towards me and Madeline.  The music changed.

3rd Person's Pov

Madeline made his sword appeared with his light magic and pointed his sword high up looking at Espresso.  Who nodded a bit and used his magic to lift Madeline up into the air.  Madeline then started doing tricks as Espresso also lifted up some targets.

  Madeline signaled Espresso to do the next faze as he sees the crowd in aw.  Espresso kept Madeline up in the air as he uses one hand to summon a small animal made out of coffee and it slowly but surely turning in a beautiful horse. [how did Espresso do that?  Idk-] 

 Then Madeline was dropped down onto the horse.  In doing so the horse reared on its handed legs and rawred[?] as Madeline lifts his sword up.  The technician was able to drop some confetti on the 2 and the crowd cheered. 

Espresso smiled yet breathing heavily from the some what over use of magic.  Madeline was happy that everyone loved the show. 

After they walk off the stage.  Espresso slowly made the coffee horse disappear which Madeline was kinda upset about.  "You both did AMAZING!"  Éclair said walking up to the two.  "Thanks my friend!"  Madeline said happily as a nodded a little. 

A/N- End

    Words- 1254 words

      Published on 11/7/22


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