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The following morning, Vivian awakens with a sense of relief, having experienced a rare night of restful sleep. The intensity of the previous day, marked by emotional highs and lows, likely played a role in the peaceful slumber. Grateful for the respite, she prepares herself for the day ahead. Knowing that the maids responsible for the night shift will start a bit later, she anticipates a quieter morning, hoping that most guests and additional staff have departed, leaving the Shelby residence in a more manageable state. They will definitely not be missed.

Vivian turned in her bed, drawn to the window by the gentle embrace of the morning sun and the invigorating touch of the cool breeze. The previous day had been a whirlwind of activity, and amidst the chaos, the Shelby family stood out as the unexpected highlights. The encounter with Ada lingered in her thoughts, an excitement that fueled her anticipation of getting to know Ada better and engaging in conversations about the women's cause.

However, it was the unexpected connection with Thomas that loomed in her reflections, casting a shadow of shame. 'God, I hope he doesn't see me as weak now,' she silently worried. Independence was a cornerstone of her identity, and she wasn't keen on being perceived as someone in need of saving. Vivian was accustomed to standing her ground, yet the uncharacteristic vulnerability that surfaced during the incident perplexed her. Struggling to recollect the events leading up to that moment, she found herself avoiding the retrospection, opting instead to focus on the intricate dance of interactions with Mr. Shelby that now played incessantly in her mind.

Thomas had proven to be a surprisingly adept guide through the tumult of her panic attack, revealing a side that contrasted starkly with his notorious gangster persona. The gentleness and care he displayed left a lasting impression, a testament to a facet of him she hadn't discovered just yet. Yet, in the aftermath, a chill returned to his demeanor.

Such fluctuations in his behavior intrigued her. There was a lingering suspicion that the icy exterior he wore so consistently might be a well-crafted facade. The desire to unravel the layers and discover the authentic Thomas Shelby sparked in her thoughts, a notion she quickly dismissed as impractical and even inappropriate. After all, he was her employer, and their recent interaction was simply an act of assistance. Vivian shook her head, grounding herself back to reality, recognizing the need to move forward. With that, she readied herself for the day—showered, dressed, and descended the stairs to face whatever lay ahead.

Descending the stairs, Vivian was greeted by the disarray that enveloped the house. Despite the morning staff's efforts to restore order, it seemed as if their endeavors had made little impact. The remnants of the previous night's revelry lingered in every corner, foreshadowing another day filled with the taxing task of cleaning up after the aftermath of intoxicated guests. The prospect of facing yet another long day of tidying up after the debauchery left Vivian with a sense of weary anticipation.


"Tom, Tommy!" In the drowsy embrace of morning, Thomas found himself jolted awake by the insistent voice of his wife and a finger jabbed into his chest. Lizzie is standing over him impatiently tapping her foot. "I'm going to take Ruby and Charles to the park, do you care to join?" With a groggy attempt to shake off the remnants of deep slumber, he reached for his pocket watch. The timepiece revealed that it was already 11 o'clock.

"Tommy?" He let himself drop back in bed again and grunted in response, "I can't Lizzie, I've got work to do." 

A sigh of frustration escaped Lizzie's lips, accompanied by an eye roll. "There's always fucking work," she muttered before storming off, leaving Thomas to his solitary reprieve in the bed. He doesn't even respond to this anymore, he has heard it numerous times. Yes, there is always work and she fucking knows it. He never got why she thought it would change. He never said it would. Sometimes he thinks she's just being difficult for the hell of it.

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