Chapter Thirty-Five: The Calm Before the Storm

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Four days after Nathan's funeral I met with the lead anchor of a small local news station. This young anchor, Maria Beck, greeted me warmly, excitement in her bright, brown eyes. Clearly, she was well aware that this interview would gain her station more attention than it had ever had before. The camera man began his countdown, "Five, four..." he mouthed the three, two, one, and pointed at us.

"Good evening, welcome to the local news at six. We have a very special guest with us this evening, Cora Carpenter! Ms. Carpenter, I am so glad to be able to meet with you."

"And I am glad to be here with you," I smiled warmly.

"The country wants to know. What exactly did you discuss in your private meeting with President Persim?"

I shifted in my seat, allowing for a moment of silence before speaking, "What we discussed is between us. What can be concluded is for everyone to know. The president and I will never see eye to eye. Her policies that are attacking the poor will continue to be in place. Thousands of Americans will continue to suffer to the point where many will take their own lives."

The picture of Nathan pouring his heart out to me about his wife taking her own life at the table hit me suddenly. I could clearly see the lines in his face and the sorrow in his eyes.

"As you know, many economists agree that the president's policies will have long term benefits for the country," Ms. Beck said.

I snapped out of my despondent reverie.

"What good is that? In order for these plans to work, America will have lost its humanity. We need a leader who will stand up for all, simply because they are human. I wish only that I could lead our wonderful country back to what it once stood for."

"So you're saying we haven't seen the last of you? Maybe in, what, another 10 years or so you will be eligible to run?"

"The problem is, our country needs someone to stand up to Persim now. Before this third term outrage becomes a reality. I will run. In this election. If Persim can run a third term, I can run before 35."

The audience burst into applause. Maria Beck's face stretched into a wide smile. She knew as well as I did, that this clip was going to be huge.

By that evening, only a few short hours after the meeting had been run I was receiving phone calls. Campaign donors wanted in. The offers were astronomical. I about choked at the amounts pledged for the cause. Even when I was employed, I had never seen more than a few thousand in my bank account at once. Now, the finances I would have access to made that seem laughable. Logos had to take over my voice. Logos and Pathos were used to attention. Figures didn't phase Logos; it was all a part of the equation he was constantly solving. However, after the initial triumphant pledges and congratulations, came the threats. Persim had her roots deep in the mindset of the majority of the country.

After the third death threat Pathos had to calm me, Honey, this is natural. Ethos has been influencing the country for so long, but we are two and he is one. It will take time, but with us, you are safe.

I thought back to the fear in Pathos' eyes when she had actually been confronted with her triplet brother. She had confidence now, but would the uncertainty return when the time came that we would see him again? I knew only too well that I would have to confront Persim face to face again before this was all over.

I had donations enough now to move out of Aunt Sarah Gene's house. I found an apartment in the East End that was large enough to double as an office. I refused to move out of the area I was trying to protect despite constant nagging by Sam for fear of my safety. Robert was now constantly running some new program on the phone I had purchased as well as everyone around me to do his best to stay ahead of whoever was certainly trying to track my location.

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