The Rescue

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Damian got into bed until everything was quiet downstairs. He listened to the grandfathers clock in the hall. It struck three. He hadn't changed into his nightclothes. Damian opened the attic door carefully and shut it behind him, without making the slightest noise. He walked down the stairs as stealthily as a cat in the hall, which was all darkness and shadow. He crept softly towards the back door and unbolted it and stepped out. It was cold outside. He walked out through the garden towards the gate and went out. In his excitement to rescue the mermaid, Damian forgot to get his bike, which had turned back into its proper shape.

It was a starry night. The moon shone down, so the night wasn't as dark as Damian thought it would be. He came to Daniel's house and climbed the low wooden fence and got into the garden. Cautiously, he made his way to Daniel's room window and gently tapped on it. It was quiet. There was no light in the room. Damian tapped on the window again, harder than he had done before. A face appeared on and looked through the window.

The window was thrown open, and Daniel stared. "Damian? What do you want at this time of the night?"

"I came to ask you for a big favour," said Damian. "Will you come out with me to help free a mermaid and help her to get back into the sea?"

"What? A mermaid? Are they even real?" said Daniel leaning out of the window. "Wait, I'll come outside," he said and disappeared. In a moment, he was standing by Damian.

"So, what is this all about," asked Daniel looking at Damian with a look of excitement in his face.

"There is no time to explain. I need your brother's bicycle. Can I borrow it?"

"Of course. That's not a problem. Come along," said Daniel as they walked together to the garage where the bikes were. Daniel switched on the garage light and pointed at a red bicycle. "That's my brother's one, and that's mine,'' he said, pointing at a blue one. Choose whatever you like."

"I'll take your brother's one," said Damian and got on to the bike. "Are you coming with me?"

"Of course, I am," said Daniel, and wheeled his bike out of the garage and put out the light. "Let's be off. Let me get the gate keys," said Daniel leaving the bike with Damian and going into the house. He bought the key. He unlocked the gate and locked it behind him and pocketed the key.

"Ready?" asked Damian as Daniel got on his bike.

"I'm all set," said Daniel, and they rode off together, with Damian leading the way towards Damian's neighbour's house. They arrived there and parked the bikes. They tried the gates, but they were locked. Then Damian felt something rattle in his pocket and took the box Lady Rachel had given him out. In it, besides the two pellets was a tiny key. Damian slipped his hands through the bars of the gate and unlocked the padlock. Then they went in, looking about them. Damian had warned Daniel about the dogs. They wheeled their bikes towards the pond where the mermaid was. Damian knelt beside the lake.

"This might help," said Daniel, handing over a torch into Damian's hand. "I bought it along, thinking that it might come in handy."

"Great," said Damian, taking the torch and flashing it into the pond. Then suddenly, there was a soft splash, and a head popped out of the water.

"You came," said the head in a soft musical voice.

"Yes. We came," Damian said, pointing to Daniel. Daniel was gaping, unable to believe his eyes.

"We haven't much time. Here, take this," said Damian, handing over the green almond-like pellet.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" asked the mermaid. Then she thrust out a hand from the water and took it.

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