The Lore-Master

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They walked out along the corridors under high arches and crossed a canal over a bridge. Swans were gliding along the stream. There were fountains, marble statues, tall windows with moss curtains, glass pillars topped with glass figures, pools, and waterfalls falling like living silver tapestries into pools where colorful fish swam hither and tither. The air was heavy with the fragrance of fresh flowers on the vines that hung down from the walls, and wrapped themselves up the pillars of the castle. There were no carpets on the floor. Instead, there was green grass dotted with tiny yellow star-like flowers.

Damian looked at everything around him as he walked past them. Then he remembered the dragon. "Where are we going?" he asked, looking up at Lady Rachel, who still held his hand.

"To meet someone who can help you with your task," she said, coming to a stop at the door. She pushed it open, and they entered the chamber. Damian looked around. Everywhere he looked, covering the walls were rows upon rows of books. A few elves were browsing through the books. Some sat on tables, reading. Lady Rachel walked in, and when the elves saw her, they stood up and bowed at her. She bowed back.

She walked up to an elf and said, "May we speak with you, master?"

"Of course, Lady Rachel. Follow me," he said and went to a door. He opened it and bade Damian and Lady Rachel come in and shut it behind him.

"Welcome to my humble abode," he said, bowing to both Damian and Lady Rachel. Take a seat your majesties," he said, pointing at two chairs. Lady Rachel and Damian sat down. The elf sat at the other side of the table. There were still more books in this chamber, and there were also glass ornaments and vases of fresh flowers.

"Do you care for something to eat or drink your highnesses?" he said, looking at them.

"No, thank you, master. We need your guidance about a pressing matter," said Lady Rachel urgently.

"I will help you in whatever way I am capable of this. I'm at your service," said the loremaster and turned to Damian and said, "And here's our young prince. It's an honor to meet you in person, finally your highness."

"Thank you," said Damian, unable to think of anything else to say.

"Can you tell prince Damian about dragons? I'm afraid he has less knowledge about it than he ought to have"

"Ah, is the prince the new dragon lord?" asked the elf looking at Damian intently.

"Yes. The boy is the chosen one," said Lady Rachel, getting up from the chair. "I leave the prince under your charge. I must leave because I'm needed elsewhere."

"Farewell, Damian. I will see you soon."

"See you, aunt Rachel," said Damian getting up and hugging her.

"Take good care of him, master. The fate of the entire kingdom rests on both of you," said Lady Rachel walking towards the door.

"The pleasure is all mine," said the elf getting up and opening the door for Lady Rachel. Lady Rachel walked out of the door, and the master shut it behind her.

"Now, your highness. Before we begin, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm the lore master. I also go by the name of Emberin. I keep all the knowledge of the elven kingdom in the volumes of books and scrolls in the library you just saw.

Then the lore master took down a pile of massive tomes out of a shelf and piled them up on the table. He grabbed a chair and opened one of the big volumes. It had letters that Damian immediately recognized as elvish.

There were many beautiful illustrations of dragons of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Damian looked at them closely. He was fascinated. These dragons are quite common. He said, turning the pages. Like lizards, they are masters at blending into their surroundings. Only a keen eye can spot them. And they are mostly the size of lizards. Most of them are smaller than the average domestic cat.

Then towards the latter part of the book, he stopped flicking through the pages. "Ah, here we are now," said the master, tapping a page of the book. He read what was in it out loud. Damian listened. Then the lore master took another book and browsed through its pages and paused and read to Damian.

He did this several times. The things I've read to you are all we know about the dragon you have to face. Damian felt sweat running down his face all of a sudden. "Could this all be a mistake? Could this all be a dream?"

It is all I can do to help you, my lord. I could teach you some simple spells as well. But spells don't work on this particular dragon, which is the only one of its kind. It is immune to spells except for the command of a dragon lord.

Then there was a knock on the door. The lore master opened the door. An elf was at the door. "How may I help you?" said the lore master.

It was an elf, and he said, "The king has summoned the prince. He is to report to the throne room immediately." Then turning to Damian, "If you will sire, I came to escort you there."

Damian stood up, thanked, and took leave from the lore master. "Thank you, master," he said, bowing to him.

"It's my pleasure, your highness. Anything to be of use to you," he said returning Damian's bow.

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