The Dragon

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Damian followed the elf along the corridors, pillars, stairs, arches, and the bridge and came to a pair of massive doors that opened as Damian and the elf stood in front of it. He walked in. The walls were of colored stone that shone like the Northern Lights.

Beautiful tapestries were hanging on the walls. There were lanterns floating high up close to the ceiling on which was painted the sky. One half of it was painted like the night sky and the other half like morning sky. There was a fountain of fire in the middle of the courtyard.

"The water is enchanted to look like fire," said the guard, as they passed the fountain. "It is called the burning fountain."

They walked past a set of marble statues and ascended several staircases and across the same bridge Damian had crossed before and come to an open garden.

The sun was shining brightly, and there were snow-white rabbits here and there, nibbling away at the fresh grass. The garden had flowers of all kinds, sizes, and colors, and the air hummed with sounds of bees and birds. Butterflies fluttered about. There was a pool in the middle of the garden.

Damian saw his dad with a flower in his hands, waiting at the edge of the pool. He turned and looked at Damian and beaconed him. It felt like a place that was ancient, almost sacred. Damian went to his father, who thanked and dismissed the guard. Damian looked behind and saw three elves were coming towards them.

Damian wondered why his father stood by the pool, holding a strange and beautiful flower, unlike any he had seen in real life, or anywhere else. "What kind of flower is that?" Damian asked, looking at the petals of the flowers that gleamed in the sun like dragonfly wings. They were just as diaphanous and shimmered, giving off every color of the rainbow.

"It's called Lumina, and it only grows on earth that is enchanted. Like other flowers needs water, it needs spells to grow. Here, take a closer look" said the Elf king.

"I've never seen a flower like it," said Damian looking at the flower shimmering like dragonfly wings in the sunlight. He gave it back to his father.

"We are about to go to see the dwarves," said Damian's father. "They live deep in the hills. Keep themselves to themselves. Not much is known to us about the dwarf-folk. Only that they are very hardworking and that their smiths are the best of all, both the magical and not"

"Have you been to visit the dwarves before?" asked Damian. He remembered seeing pictures of dwarves in books.

"Yes. I've been to see the dwarves once. Years ago. Elves and dwarves seldom meet, son. Come closer"

Damian looked into the pool. Its surface was as still as a mirror. The lake reflected everything around it from the green trees to the blue sky above. Damian moved close. Then the elf king carefully plucked a petal from the flower in his hand and put it into the pool. Then he plucked another until he had plucked out all the petals of the flower. Damian watched as the petals fell upon the waters.

Damian looked on as the still surface of the pool was disturbed by the translucent petals. Then the Damian gasped. The petals disappeared, and the pond became still. But instead of reflecting the light blue sky overhead, the surface of the pool reflected a dark star-studded sky.

"Come, follow me," said Damian's father stepping into the pool. Damian did his best not to ask any questions. He looked on and found himself stepping into the pool. "Here, hold my hand," said the elf king, and Damian did so. "Don't be afraid. Just hold on tight."

To his horror, Damian felt as if he was sinking. He closed his eyes. He felt like he was spinning, and he clung on to his father's hand. "You can open your eyes now."

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