Phase 1 - Transcendent Being

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First Chapter: Enjoy! ... A/N: What's the date, time, and place that you started this book?

Phase One - "Transcendent Being"

Phase One Theme Song: Everybody Dies - Billie Eilish

Sage Aspen | Third POV

"Dr. Aspen, I do apologize for making you wait for so long," the chief of police said once he entered his medium-sized office.

It was no bigger than the size of a high school bathroom. It had four walls, and one was made of complete glass; therefore, you could see the whole police precinct from it.

"It's fine, Chief Flinski. I'm sorry for just popping up at the precinct unannounced," she told him with a soft smile.

Sage had been waiting for twenty minutes and thirty-three seconds, to be exact, just to meet this man right here.

Jake Flinski is the chief of police in New York and has been so for the past fifteen years of his life, according to what Google told her.

Yes, she had Googled the man.

How could she not have?

After listening to the numerous voice messages he left on her phone, Mr. Flinski had called her over ten times since the past week and weekend. She, of course, ignored the calls, knowing it most likely involved her having to work.

But with each voice message he left, he spoke with a bit more urgency and desperateness in his tone, which made Sage a bit curious.

She wondered why he eagerly needed her to come down to the police precinct. which is why Sage knew her sudden and unannounced arrival at the precinct would be no problem. Right when she told the receptionist at the front desk her name, she was escorted to his office to wait and given a cup of warm coffee to keep her company.

"It's fine; it was just a matter of importance that we meet soon."

"That is why I hounded your phone for the past week," he told her, followed by an awkward chuckle as he went to sit behind his desk.

Sage eyes looked over every detail of this man. You could clearly see he was a very proud man and would never be the type to "hound" someone. That is, unless it was a command from someone working over him that he could not refuse.

"Importance?" She couldn't help but say it out loud.

"The U.S. Department of Justice Director is looking to offer you a job regarding a certain person," Mr. Flinski told her, making Sage's eyes widen a bit with surprise.

She had been expecting something along the lines of a job. It would not be her first time helping a police department out. What she wasn't expecting was a job offer coming straight from the U.S. Department of Justice Director.

Whatever they wanted her to do must have been a high priority if the director had specifically asked for it. Unfortunately for them, Dr. Aspen had retired from all work almost a year ago, and she didn't plan on starting back any time soon.

For no one.

"The director is offering me a job." She asked just to clarify what she had heard him say.

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