Chapter Fifteen: Aiyana

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     The ballroom was again saturated in shades of crimson and scarlet, although softer hues of pink, white, and gold had been added to the bouquets and tablecloth trims, instilling a fragile sense of peace throughout the hall. The endless sound of chatter echoed throughout the room, complemented finely by the clinking of glasses and soothing music. The crowd seemed to embrace me warmly as I descended further, the sweet scent of strawberry tarts and pastries rushing to greet me.

     "Is it me, or does it seem brighter in here?" Cameron asked as we reached the bottom of the stairwell. I patted his arm and smiled at the greedy eyes that scoured over our skin.

     "It's for the foreign dignitaries. We mustn't act like beasts in front of our guests-" I nodded to a set of women seated near the front of the room, their pastel-colored scarves and gold encrusted dresses an obvious indication they were visitors from the Viola Empire, "-or our reluctant companions." Beside them sat another table of women dressed head-to-toe in varying tones of black and gray, their finely pressed suits and neckties marking them as the ambassadors from the United Orchid. I wasn't surprised to find men dressed similarly seated with them. After all, The United Orchid was one of the few countries in the world where men could partake in politics.

     "Ah, I suppose their presence is to be expected. The new ruler of New Rose will practically dictate the era of the continent," he said, and I nodded in agreement. New Rose was both the largest and wealthiest country on the North Continent, and our problems affected the commerce of the world. Despite this, I found their presence unnerving. The queen had many enemies, both in and outside of the Queendom, adding an immense weight to an already overwhelming role.

     As we walked further into the room, I avoided glancing at the refreshment stand where the maid had been executed and instead turned my eyes toward my family. My father sat awkwardly on the stage, avoiding conversation with a bottle of wine already in hand, and Arielle and Nia sat at the long table in the center of the ballroom, along with the other competitors. We had been set on display to be watched carefully for mistakes, and as I approached the table, I could practically hear Duchess Chartreuse's warning me not to falter. I let myself fall comfortably into the training I had endured and took my seat at the head of the table.

    Cameron bowed his head before retreating toward the section his mother resided in, ignoring the eyes that trailed after him.

     "You look great." Lin, the Moderate competitor, whispered from beside me. I glanced at her in surprise before nodding at her.

     "As do you." Lin sat confidently at the table in a backless, plum dress that hugged her slim figure, her brown hair falling in waves down her back. It was a surprising feat for a Moderate to even participate in the competition, let alone excel as she had, and unlike the young duchesses in the competition, she was neither rich nor influential. She had prevailed entirely off her own skill, and although Arielle could likely beat both her and me simultaneously in battle, I found myself rooting for her success.

     Lin nodded a thanks in my direction and opened her mouth to respond, but another girl grabbed her arm and pulled her attention. She smiled apologetically, but I shook my head and turned my attention toward the other women seated beside me.

     Arielle sat at the other end of the table, dressed head to toe in silver, a beautiful contrast to my golden attire. Nia was seated in the center, wearing the stark black cloak typical of a Royal General, the leader of the military and the commander of the Royal Guard. She had been given the title over a year ago but seeing her in the same dark coat as the royal executioners sent a chill down my spine.

     The Nia I knew had a soft smile and eyes that brightened when she spoke, but the Nia sitting before me held none of that familiar warmth. Her gaze was cool as she scanned the crowd, her lips pinched into a line as she nodded to one of the guards behind her. I followed their gazes to discern whether there was something I should've noticed, but nothing looked out of the ordinary.

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