Chp1: The betrayal/the friend

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Amy was on her way home to her boyfriend sonic a little earlier than usual as she was happy to hang out with him.

But as she got home she heard noises in the bedroom that sounded like sonic and Sally doing it. "Oh Sally your so much better than Amy, she'd never let me do this and is just to fucking clingy!" This broke Amy's heart as she ran out the door as tears flooded her eyes with the rain that poured.

She ran into the woods not caring about what could be in there as she just kept running when she suddenly tripped and fell towards a cliff and was gonna stop herself when sonics hurtful words flooded her mind calling her to clingy but incapable of pleasing him that she just let herself fall down into the river below till she blacked out.

She felt a light shining to her eyes as she opened them slowly confused to find herself inside a house, she looked around when she caught the sight of a male wolf sitting in a chair next to the bed she laid in. He had dark grey fur with red highlights, wore a black raised collar jacket with gold and green chain jewelry, she could almost make out red eyes, to herself she also noticed she was bandaged, given new clothing, and her original dress laid folded near her.

She was confused when she heard a grunt as she sees the wolf wake up when he noticed her. "Hey your finally awake?"

Amy nodded and tried to speak but it sounded bad and it hurts to try as he stopped her. "You got hurt after your fall, I was able to save you and thankfully you were still in good condition but I had to bandage you up but it seemed you hurt your voice box and I'm still trying to heal it." He then walked to another end of the room to a strange table with beakers and other stuff as he brought a small beaker to her.

"Drink this, it will help heal you." She did and it actually tasted good, but still as dull as medicine. Then she tried getting up till he again stopped her there. "Hold it, you still need to heal your legs, of everything they had the worst so you might be unable to run or walk so you need to heal.

Amy slowly nodded as the wolf took a breath. "Ok so for names mine is lyca the Wolf, yours?" He handed her some paper and writing utensils as she wrote her name and Lyca smiled.

"Amy rose, that's a sweet name. So Amy as I said your not in a good condition so I just need you to just lay down and heal while I go get more ingredients for the healing potions I made you." She nodded as Lyca went to another room as she looks down remembering her friends.

'i wonder how they are right now?'

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