chp2:The truth/healing

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Back to Amy's friends knuckles punched sonic straight in the nose causing him to bleed. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" Knuckles stared daggers at Sonic with so much anger. "YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON AMY YOU DUMBASS AND NOW SHES MISSING!!!" Tails was away from sonic glaring angered at what his once friend did.

Shadow was being held by omega and rouge but she wanted to let him hurt sonic and Omega may be a robot but he feel so much hatred to sonic.

Shadow was so furious as he saw Amy almost like a sister and Sonic had the balls to break her heart like as he did.

Everyone else just stayed out of it like vanilla and cream who hoped Amy was ok and just hated sonic due to Amy being like a big sister to cream.

Sonic didn't show any signs of caring that Amy caught him and Sally as he only thought she was a clingy and annoying girl that wouldn't even let him use her for pleasure as he just left much to knuckles and shadow cursing at him to return.

Meanwhile Amy was having a nightmare of sonic being a jerk and straight up trying to hurt her and she just wanted it to stop when she was awaken by Lyca as he seemed concerned. "Amy what happened, did you have a nightmare?" She nodded slowly as Lyca thought for a second till he had an idea and walked to an old bookshelf as he got a small stuffed animal that looked like a cat as he handed it to her.

"Here this helped me when I had nightmares but I think you need it more since I don't get them much." She accepted the gift as she nodded and he smiled. "Hopefully you have sweet dreams Amy, I'll make you something while you rest."

And she did, as she slept the nightmares tried to return but with the stuffed cat she felt protected and pictured herself in a beautiful rose garden in a small plain as she laid in the flowers and could actually smell them.

After a few minutes Lyca finished making food for Amy as he delivered it and softly woke her up as he gave her the food and was going to leave when Amy grabbed his hand and used hand signs to asked if he could stay so she won't be lonely as he smiled and nodded.

After Amy ate a bit with some help from Lyca he checked her bandages as the wounds she supposedly had were healed and Amy was happy and Lyca was too....

He was very lonely after the incident.

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