In Between

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Beth walked into school slightly annoyed as she strutted to her locker to grab her books. She glanced over and gave Evie a small smile before trying to hide behind her door but Evie moved it with a finger and cocked her head silently. Beth huffed and shut her door after grabbing her algebra book. "My dad came last week." "Uncle Puck?" Evie asked, she and Evie beginning to walk and Beth nodded. "The very same. He said he missed Mom and I and he wants us back. Ryan was not very happy about it." She huffed and Evie patted her back. "So what did Aunt Quinn do?" Beth shrugged. "She doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to cut of communication with my dad because of me and she and Ryan have gotten really close that she doesn't want to lose him so she's at a crossroads right now which sucks even more now that Dad decided to take the guest room. Then whenever Ryan tries to help out with something, Dad has to come and one-up him which is so annoying." Beth rolled her eyes as Lucas came over. "Who's annoying?" Evie rolled her eyes. "Keep with the program. Uncle Puck is trying to get back Aunt Quinn." Lucas pulled a confused face while Beth just looked bothered. "But she loves Uncle Ryan, right?" "Yes and Ryan still loves and wants to be around for her and I but Dad keeps getting in the way." Beth exasperated as the trio walked into their classroom. She remembered this morning when she was getting her bag together for school, Ryan grabbing his keys.

"Ready to go Bethie? I gotta head into the Vet Clinic a little early." Ryan said and Beth nodded with a smile. "How are the pups?" She asked and Ryan smiled back. "Vanessa says they lasted the night so there's a big chance they'll be alright but I just wanna check to be sure." Just as the pair headed to the door, Puck came in. "Hey sweet pea, ready for school?" Beth had to resist rolling her eyes as she nodded. "Yeah. Ryan is gonna give me a ride before heading into town." Puck tried to hide his frown as he looked at the man who glared back at him. Quinn came into the room, grabbing her cowgirl hat and her boots, slipping them on. "Boys? Hopefully we aren't having a school ride fight again? I'd hate to use the Spurs." Beth noticed both men back down and Quinn immediately took charge. "Puck, let it go. Lisa and I need your help at the dude ranch. Ryan can take Beth to school, right?" She looked at her boyfriend who nodded with a smile and Beth relaxed. Ever since Puck showed up, Ryan has really been a trooper. While they were in Ryan's car, Beth noticed how bothered Ryan was and decided to speak up.

"You know for what it's worth, I never said thank you." She said, running her hands through her hair as Ryan quirked an eyebrow and looked at her, driving when the light turned green. "What do you mean? You know you don't have to thank me." Beth shrugged. "I know my dad can be a bit...abrasive but yet you're still here and I really appreciate it. So thank you." Ryan smiled and patted her head. "Thanks Kiddo. Alright, we're here. You got everything?" Beth checked and nodded, smiling. "Well have a good day and I'll update you on the puppies. Maybe I can convince your mother to let us keep one." Beth smiled and bumped fists with him. "Later Gators." She said and Ryan smiled. "Later Gators." Beth shut the door and headed into the school as Ryan pulled off.

After class, Beth snuck to the music room, grabbing her notepad out of her bag and her favorite black acoustic guitar before sitting down and tuning. After a few seconds, she closed her eyes and decided to let the words flow out.

In between, just a fling, in the rain
In between, in apartment and a front porch swing
In between, cheap and fancy, a guitar and a Grammy
In between, reckless and responsibility

Her father and Ryan came to her mind as she began to strum, pouring her feelings out. She remembered how she'd hide by the stairs or behind the wall of the dining room and kitchen whenever her mother would argue with her father or when she'd talk to Ryan, the latter comforting her. Beth loved Puck but the man had screwed up way too many times and she's had to pick up the pieces of her mother's heart way too many times till Ryan came along and suddenly he was picking up both her and Quinn's pieces.

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