Daddy's Lil Princess

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Today was Evangeline Merle Anderson-Hummel's 10th birthday and Blaine found himself unable to fall back asleep after taking out Elphaba, their 2 year old German Shepard. He watched the sky turn from dark with dusted stars to the first spots of blue and purple coming up. He walked upstairs and quietly opened the door to his daughter's room, smiling softly at the sight of her now longer curls all over her pillow and face, one leg hanging off the bed and the pillow abandoned on the edge. He walked in with care and gently shook his daughter till she opened her bright hazel and smiled sleepily. Blaine smiled back and kneeled down, brushing his daughter's hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. "Morning Papa." "Happy Birthday my stardust." Evie gasped and sat up quick, nearing bumping her head with her father and nearly squealed. "It's my birthday!" Blaine chuckled and shushed her, nodding. "Yup and I have a surprise for you. Dress warm and meet me downstairs." He rose, ignoring the pop of his muscles and walked out his daughter's room, shutting her door. "Time for Phase 1." He whispered to himself, walking downstairs to grab the picnic basket out of the fridge, a blanket and a big pillow. He waited out on the porch swing when Evie came out in a long white sweater, a blue button down blouse with a fake gold vest attached and some simple blue jeans. Her hair was done in two braids and yet Blaine wanted to cry. 'My little girl is growing up.' "Papa? What's wrong? Is it bad? Is it my hair?" Evie started to fret but Blaine just wiped his eyes and shook his head with a chuckle, rising to kneel in front of his daughter, taking her hands before kissing them. "You look beautiful, sweetie. Stunning." Evie blushed and Blaine tapped her nose before rising and taking the stuff to the car, putting it in the back seat.

Evie stood by the passenger door and Blaine opened it for her, helping her up

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Evie stood by the passenger door and Blaine opened it for her, helping her up. "Alright kiddo, buckle up. Here is your blanket and pillow." He handed Evie her Disney Princess fluffy blanket and her favorite pillow that she never slept without and shut her door, walking over to the driver side and getting in, starting up the car. They jammed all the way to the hill where Kurt and Blaine always went to with the willow tree and Blaine parked, getting out to help Evie up and out. "Do you want help Papa?" Evie asked and Blaine smiled at her, handing her the picnic basket. "Guard these vitals with your life." Evie playfully saluted and took the basket in one hand while her blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and her pillow was under her other arm. She walked over to the tree and through the long branches, waiting for her father who fixed up the whole picnic and rose, extending his hand to his daughter with a slight bow. "Welcome my dear to Weeping Willow Diner. May I seat you?" Blaine said in a silly waiter's voice and Evie couldn't help but giggle, taking her father's hand and walking over to the pillow, sitting down. The pair ate, laughed and talked, occasionally throwing grapes at each other's mouths. Evie was tucked against her father's side, eyes closed but fully awake but all Blaine could see was a tiny bundle who was as soft and fuzzy as a peach with a turned up button nose and the brightest eyes you'd ever see. He ran his fingers through her hair and just smiled, remembering that day when he held his daughter in his arms.

Evangeline's cries rang out through the hospital room and while the nurses were tending to Kurt, Blaine held their daughter with such gentle care and love that he was afraid that he was going to break her

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Evangeline's cries rang out through the hospital room and while the nurses were tending to Kurt, Blaine held their daughter with such gentle care and love that he was afraid that he was going to break her. "He-" Blaine softly cleared his throat and whispered. "Hey. Hey, it's alright." He soothed Evangeline down, rocking gently and humming, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Don't cry, my stardust. Don't you shed a tear." He whispered and Evangeline quieted down, hearing her father's voice. Blaine couldn't hold back the tears as he looked upon his daughter's angelic face. "I swear on my life that Daddy and I are always going to be here for you. Through the highs and lows. If anyone breaks your heart, I'll make them regret it." Unbeknownst to Blaine, Kurt was watching and recording with the camera at the moment, unable to stop smiling despite the pain he was in. When Blaine turned, he blushed at being caught but handed Evangeline to Kurt who took her gently and smiled at her. "Angel." —Blaine looked down at his daughter who smiled back at him. "Papa?" "Yeah?" "Do you think that the new baby will replace me?" Evangeline looked away and Blaine was taken back by her question before shaking his head. "Evie, no one is getting replaced. Daddy and I aren't having the baby to replace anyone." "You promise?" She pouted and Blaine really wanted to cry. He was such a sucker for his daughter and he didn't care because she was his little girl and honestly, no one would be good for her, not even him. "To the moon and back. Daddy and I just love each other so so so SO much that we ended up making another angel just like you and Lucas." Evie nodded and Blaine wiped her falling tear, lifting her chin. "Don't you ever think you're gonna be replaced. What would make you think of such a thing?" Evie shrugged and sniffled before tucking more into her father's arms, laying her head on his chest. "Lukie likes his horse more than me. He's always with his horse but rarely plays with me. Then Daddy doesn't play much with me either and he's always sleeping." Blaine understood both reasons and nodded, running his fingers through his daughter's hair. "Lucas is just working on some stuff but I know 110% sure that he loves you so much and Daddy, well..Daddy is gonna be sleepy and unable to do a lot of things because of the baby. We wouldn't want anything to happen to him, right?" Evie rapidly shook her and Blaine continued. "But I know that when he's not carrying the baby, he'll be up and playing with you in no time. But we could never replace you, any of you."

A few hours later, the pair made their way back to the house where breakfast was all spread out with Evie's favorites. "SURPRISE!!" Evie squealed and jumped at the sight in front of her before she realized who all was before her. Her Aunt Rachel, Her Uncle Finn, Aunt Lindsey and Tyler, Uncle Puck with Aunt Quinn and Beth, Aunt Santana (R.I.P) and Aunt Brittany with her baby cousin Sophia, Uncle Artie and Aunt Tina, Aunt Mercedes and Uncle Sam. "Happy Birthday squirt!" Finn said, lifting his niece into the air, Evie squealing and giggling, hugging him tight around the neck. "Uncle Finnie!!" He put her down and immediately Puck picked her up on his shoulders upside down, causing Evie to laugh and squirm. "Let me down. Uncle Puck!" Puck eventually did so and Evie playfully punched him in the stomach, Puck playing along and hunching over. Breakfast was a clatter of stories and well wishes but nothing made Kurt and Blaine happier than seeing the bright, bright smile on their daughter's face. "Everything okay?" Kurt asked and Blaine looked at his pregnant husband, smiling and leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Hakuna Matata." Kurt snorted and ruffled his husband's curls before digging into his food.

When night fell, Blaine picked up his snoozing daughter up to her bedroom and set her under her covers, sitting on the edge. Evie rolled over and put her head on her father's lap, sighing peacefully. "Thank you Papa." Blaine quirked an eyebrow and ran his fingers through her hair. "For what?" "The best birthday ever." There was a light knock and the two looked up to see Kurt smiling at them, hands resting on his stomach. "Room for two more?" Evie giggled and sat up, Blaine moving over so Kurt could have most of the bed. Evie crawled over and hugged him carefully. "Hey bug. Did you have a good day?" Evie nodded. "Papa even took me on a sunrise picnic." Kurt smiled and Blaine blushed. "I heard. I bet it was really fun, huh?" "Yeah, it felt like we were in the Lion King. He even did the line and everything." "Hey, you promised!" Blaine said, tickling the girl on her side and Evie broke into giggles, Kurt chuckling at the sight. "Well I'm glad you had fun. We're very proud of the girl that you've become and we know that you'll be an even amazing woman." Evie smiled at Kurt who leaned in and kissed her forehead. Evie leaned down and kissed Kurt's bump, receiving a small kick to her hand. "Looks my new brother or sister agrees too." Kurt smiled and whispered. "It's a girl." Evie gasped. "I'm having a sister?" The couple nodded and Evie squealed, hugging both of them before breaking into a yawn. The couple got her set up for bed and tucked her in, each giving her a kiss on her cheek and head. "Goodnight baby girl. Happy Birthday." Evie went to bed feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. She couldn't wait for her baby sister to come.

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