The Truth is told

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It was 4am when Kurt lurched from his blissful dream with nausea. He quickly covered his mouth and raced to the bathroom, dropping to his knees and proceeded to vomit in the toilet. The sudden movement combined with the sounds of vomiting made Blaine wake up and walk over to the bathroom. "Kurt? You okay?" He gently pushed the door open and winced slightly when Kurt answered with another violent vomiting session. When there was a long enough pause, Kurt shakily raised his head and leaned back on his heels, relaxing into Blaine's arms. "M okay. I just got that stupid morning sickness again. You can go back to sleep." Blaine shook his head. "No, I'll go get you what you need and I'll stay here till you're better enough to get some rest. Maybe you should take it easy today?" "But Lucas and I were supposed to go trail riding to the ranch to see Quinn, Beth and your mom." Kurt pouted but Blaine chuckled. "I'm not putting you on bedrest, I'm just saying to get some more rest before you do that. You're four months pregnant and the last thing we want is for you to get sick or hurt in anyway. Okay?" Kurt nodded and groaned, leaning back over the toilet to vomit again.

A couple of hours after some rest Kurt got ready for the day and headed down for a late breakfast when he saw Quinn sitting at the kitchen table, wiping tears from her eyes. "Quinn? What's wrong?" Quinn quickened her wiping and sniffed, shaking her hair. "Nothing. I'm fine Kurt. Are you hungry? I didn't see you at breakfast." The blonde rambled and immediately went to the fridge when Kurt reached out and gently closed it before opening his arms to the blonde. Quinn immediately began to break as she hugged her friend tight and cried. Kurt let her get out as much as she could before sitting her down at the kitchen table and asked her to tell him what was wrong. "A couple of months before we came here, Puck called me from one of his Air Force stations and told me that he had gotten drunk with a bunch of guys and that he had cheated on me not just that night but also a few more nights too." Kurt grasped her hand tight but the blonde just continued, tears falling again. "I told him that I knew he hadn't changed and that I never wanted to see him again but now he's going to be here in a couple of minutes." Kurt sighed and tried to think. "You and Puck have something that each of you need. Now I get the cheating and when I see him, I will punch him but you have to talk to him. Beth needs her father and Puck needs Beth."

"But I don't think I can forgive him." Quinn said, shaking her head. "Then don't. Give it time. Just like me. I couldn't forgive those jocks but 3 years later, I did." Quinn nodded and jolted a little when there was a knock. Kurt patted her hand and got up to open the door, glaring immediately at Puck who at least looked shameful in his Air Force uniform. "Please don't kill me." Puck said. "I won't but I should. But I could also let Jack know. You know how much he adores Quinn and Beth." Puck's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. "Please don't. I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't call Jack." "You talk to Quinn, you tell the whole truth when she asks and if you ever do something like this again, I will do worst to you than Santana ever could." Puck nodded and Kurt opened the screen door, letting the man in. The moment Quinn and Puck's eyes connected, Kurt slipped out and headed for the stables where Blaine and Lucas were busy feeding and brushing the horses. Blaine was teaching Lucas how gentle to brush the coat and how to carefully untangle the mane and tail. Kurt decided to not make himself known and watched, crossing his arms.

"Small circles, nice and slow. If you go too fast, you'll hurt him and we don't want that." Lucas nodded and did as he was showed before he saw a frame with a big blue ribbon. The picture was of Blaine as a pre-teen standing up with his feet in the white stirrups. "Woah! Dad, is this you?" Blaine lifted his head and came towards Rydian's stall, blushing at the picture. "I forgot this was in here. I was once a trick rider." Lucas looked up. "Like Georgie when she does tricks on the horse?" Blaine nodded and Lucas looked amazed at the picture before looking at Blaine again. "Can I do trick riding one day?" "I don't see why not. Maybe Amy can teach you or Georgie but you have to wait till you're older." Lucas nodded and Kurt smiled, deciding to leave the two for a walk around. As he walked, he rested a hand on his stomach where a small bump was but it wasn't noticeable yet which Kurt was glad for but he knew that soon it would show up and he wouldn't be able to keep it in anymore. Last time he revealed he was pregnant, he was vomiting into a trash can in the auditorium during Glee practice. If he was the old him, he would've thrown some extravagant party or something but he wasn't. He was a husband, a father, and he was living on a new perspective since being at Faithland. He sat in the field of wildflowers and watched at the breeze blew his hair and the flowers around like a ocean of plants. It seemed so serene and peaceful that Kurt found himself lying back with his arms under his head, eyes glazed but watching the clouds float by and with it went Kurt's stress about the situation. He didn't realize that he began to slip into the darkness and dozed off.

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