The Letter

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Kurt takes a shaky breath and looks at his husband, hands trembling and the letter in his hand, clenched in white hot fingers as if ignited by the hottest fire but yet the letter remained or whatever was in the envelope. He felt short of breath and yet all the air in the world was filling his lungs but it didn't compare to the growing pit of fear in his stomach, settling and twisting it so much that he feared he would upchuck his entire dinner.


Kurt's eyes flicked from the floor to his father who held out a hand in worry, eyes heavy with concern. But Kurt couldn't speak a word, letting out a shaky breath as he looked at the envelope and turned it, ripping the paper and in the silent kitchen, it was like the sound travelled before he could stop it. Kurt shakily took the folded paper out and to his heart's dismay, it was a letter. He let out a quiet sob and leaned more into Blaine's touch, resting the temple of his head to Blaine's and watched as his hands shook so bad, he dropped the letter on the ground, unable to breathe properly. Burt stepped forward and that's when things grew dire as Kurt struggled to breathe. "Grab Carole." Burt urged Blaine who nodded and ran into the other room, calling for Carole. The woman saw the urgency in his eyes and followed quickly, seeing her husband trying to relax his son but failing as Kurt shook more and took short inhales. Moving both back, Carole slipped into her nurse mode and somehow got through to Kurt, pulling him back from his terrifying headspace and wrapping her arms gently around him, the man clinging to her for dear life and Carole didn't care if shapes from his nails embedded themselves in her skin because she was a mother who loved her son even if she didn't birth him and sometimes, a mother's hug was the greatest medicine.

Blaine blinked back his own tears, leaning down to pick up the letter, his heart freezing at the address. Pulling out the letter, he felt curious but he placed it on the counter, coming over when Kurt reached for him and wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist. "It's alright. It's okay." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt's head and watched as Burt and Carole left quietly, knowing that Blaine knew what to do. Blaine just held Kurt for as long as possible till the man lifted his head and sniffled, blinking through his tears. Blaine ripped off some paper towels and handed it to Kurt who took them to clear his tears and nose before reaching for the letter. "Are you sure?" Blaine asked and Kurt nodded, taking the letter and opening it. "I could ignore all I want but then I'll leave myself wondering. Best to nip it in the bud now." Kurt sniffled and began to read it.

Dear Kurt,

I know I probably am the last person you ever want to hear from but I want to apologize for everything I did to you, the loss that I cost you and your family. Turns out that it didn't do me any good in here but what matters is that I understand the error of my ways and I don't expect you to forgive me but a part of me hopes you will someday. I'm sorry I killed your baby but I know that sorry won't cut it when it's on paper so if you want, I'm hoping you will visit so that I can apologize in person.


"Kurt!!" Blaine shouted in concern, catching his husband who gasped harshly in fear before his eyes rolled back and he laid limp in Blaine's arms, letter falling to the ground. Everyone outside the kitchen was alerted and rushed forward, gasping at the scene, Finn keeping the kids back despite his own shock. Blaine struggled for a second but he lifted his unconscious husband into his arms and told everyone to part so he could move to the couch, Quinn helping by putting a pillow down for Kurt to rest his head on and covering him up with a blanket. Lucas and Evangeline looked on in worry, Evangeline tearing up fearfully as Lucas hugged his sister. Finn went into the kitchen, picking up the letter and what he read in bold made him go pale. Kurt had been threatened with death. "Oh my god." He whispered and turned to his unconscious brother in worry and fear. Lindsey came over to her husband, taking the letter and gasping. All the adults joined them and tears flowed but everyone hid them from the four children who stayed close to Kurt, Blaine holding his husband's hand tight while their children comforted him and theirselves. 'What are we going to do?' Blaine thought, sniffling as he stroked Kurt's head and placed a kiss to it. Burt finally spoke. "I'm calling the police. Carole, do we need to take him to the hospital?" Carole shook her head. "No. We just keep watch over him, make note of any changes. He'll be alright." Blaine sighed and Lucas patted his back, the man smiling at his son.

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