1.Prince at the dinner

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It was another warm afternoon in the mid August, 1832. 

The autumn leaves in orange, red and yellow colors could be seen within the visible distance. It was like someone had laid a bright carpet upon the earth and it looked so mesmerizing. 

A young boy in his early 20s was sitting by the large window sill of his room, enjoying this view. It seemed like he's trying to absorb every single detail of the autumn season. 

Maybe he was trying to memorize the picture, so he could paint it later. 'Cause why not, when his hobby is painting live scenarios?

"Little master Jeonguk?" 

The boy's ears perked up, hearing the call behind the door. 

"What is it?" he questioned in a cute voice, titling his head to right. 

"It's tea time, my lord." the lady informed politely. "Master wants you downstairs"

The pretty prince shook his head with a pout, clearly annoyed from the distraction. He didn't like it when someone bothers his favorite time of adoring the environment. 

"Tell him I'll be there soon."

Hearing the footsteps fade away from the door, the boy sighed in annoyance. He hated family gatherings and today's gonna be one of the worst.

'Cause the king and his son were joining them that evening.

He had already met the king multiple times but not the prince, who they introduced as his childhood best friend. Since Jeonguk hadn't seen the prince for a long time, he didn't remember much about him. 

Actually the Royal prince himself returned back to Korea the previous week as he was gone to study abroad. Jeonguk had heard a few rumors of him being a breath-takingly handsome prince but what's there to talk so special about it? 

The cute boy jumped down from the window-sill and adjusted his crumpled baby blue coloured hanbok using the small hands. Then looking through the mirror for the one last time, he jogged out of the room. 

"Master Jeonguk!" 

The said boy snapped his head back hearing one of their maids whisper. The woman hurried over to him and started adjusting the belt which made a pout adorn his face. 

"There you go.." she said after a while, satisfied of the young lord's appearance. 

Jeonguk huffed to himself as he climbed down the stairs until he reach the large front area. Then walking into the huge dining room, he took a glimpse at the royal family before, bowing at the king and his appa.

"Little lord Jeonguk..." The king addressed as he gestured the latter to sit on the empty chair in front of the prince. "What a delight to see you again!!"

Jeonguk flashed a polite smile at him and grabbed his steamy cup of coffee.

King seemed to be a little offended by seeing Jeonguk sparing no glances at his son but went on with the introducing.

"Jeonguk, meet my only son, Kim Taehyung here..." 

The little boy lifted his eyes from the cup to look before him and saw the young handsome prince smiling at him. Jeonguk again gave a nice smile and a small bow before going back to sipping. 

That's when his appa barged into the conversation by saying, "He's only two years older than you, Jeonguk. Isn't it great?"

Jeonguk didn't know why he should feel great about something like that but smiled it away. 

"Why isn't he talking appa?" a deep but concerned voice questioned. Jungkook flicked his gaze to the prince's face with disbelief. 

"He's a very shy kid, Prince Taehyung." The old nobleman answered, passing a slight frown at his son. 

"Oh I see..." Taehyung smiled at Jeonguk but he wasn't looking at all. "Can we talk a little, after the tea time, then?"

Jeonguk slowly peeked at Taehyung and recognized the question was directed towards him. 

"S-Sure.." he mumbled timidly.

"Of course they should have some private time. Prince Taehyung might be liking to know more about you before the marriage..."

Jeonguk snapped his head at his father with big round eyes as if to ask what the hell

"M-Marriage of whom appa?"

"Whom do you think we're referring to, Jeonguk?" His dad chuckled. "It's you and our prince Taehyung..."

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