5.You don't belong here

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Jeonguk woke up late the next morning, feeling a little tired. A few paintings had kept him up all night the other day, so he didn't get a chance to sleep properly. 

"Arg.. Dark circles once again!" he whined in front of the mirror and tried to erase them by washing his face a several times but as usual, it didn't work. 

After having breakfast all alone in the huge hall, as for his dad had already left to the castle, he put on his favourite pink hanbok and hopped out of the mansion towards the garden. He had his small sketch book and pencil in a little pouch bag which hung loosely on his shoulder. 

He roamed across the well-maintained garden for a while, sketching down the things he found interesting enough to draw.  Somehow unknowingly, he arrived at the stables where he saw beautiful stallions grazing on their morning meal, the finest fruits. 

"Hello Franklin! How's it goin' on with your girlfriend Snowflake? Oh there she is..!" Jeonguk placed his items on a flat rock and jogged off to pat on Franklin's head. The horse made a pleased noise as he leaned into Jeonguk's soft touch. 

Then he walked over to another horse and knelt down beside his front legs. "Are you getting the treatment alright, Cinnamon? I think you do, Good boy!"

He picked up an apple from the fruit bucket and served it to the horse with giggle. 

Then he came out of the stable only to gasp aloud. The handsome man he saw the other day was right in front of him, checking the drawings on his sketchbook!

"No! Give it back!" Jeonguk screeched as he snatched the book from the stranger's hands. 

He was lost in a trance the second he looked into the man's face. He was handsome. Like extremely handsome. Even in the ragged clothes he looked like a royal prince or something. With almond eyes, sharp jawline, honey blonde hair and plump lips.... 

The perfect body shape!

"W-Who are you?"  

The stranger ran a hand through his hair and gave him a smile that made him blind. 

"They call me Seokjoon."


"Yes, I'm here to work in the stables."

"You don't look like a stable boy?"

Seokjin's eyes showed a hint of fear. "R-Really?"

"Yeah, I've seen others and you look nothing like them?" Jeonguk pouted with a frown. 

"Well, you don't look like you belong in the stables either." Seokjin cocked his brow playfully. 

Jeonguk scowled at him. "I'm not. I'm the landowner's son, lord Jeonguk. You should probably show m-me some r-respect."

Seokjin laughed at the way the younger stuttered. "You're cute!"

"I'm not cute. I'm 19 already.!"

"I'm 25 and nice to meet you!" he held his hand but Jeonguk wasn't willing to shake it. 

Seokjin drew his hand back in shame. "By the way, your drawings look so good. Are you a professional artist?"

Jeonguk was taken aback by the sudden praise. No one had ever admired his works, not even his dad. Now this handsome man here says he finds his paintings interesting. 

A small genuine smile spread across Jeonguk's face making Seokjin's heart skip a beat. 

"Th-Thank you! a-and no, i just paint for f-fun."

"You should be really proud. It's not like anyone can draw stuff this perfect."

Jeonguk was turning bright red as this Seokjoon guy went on with his speech and not being able to stand there anymore, he ran away while hugging the book to his chest. 


"You did what??"

Min Yoongi screeched with his palms on the forehead.

"I told his drawings were nice?" Jin replied, shrugging.

"No, the thing you said before that. About disrespecting lord Jeonguk by saying he's cute."

"Ah that...But that's the truth now, isn't it?"

Yoongi muttered something under his breath. "But you aren't in a place to say that."

"I heard it Min Yoongi. Anyhow, I think he likes me." Jin's mouth stretched into a big smile as he said that. "Progress!"

"Progress my foot! What if he says about you to his dad?"

"Really? Do you think he'll give us his blessings?" Jin's enthusiastic voice made Yoongi's grumpy face look grumpier than ever.

"This is no time for jokes prince Seokjin. You know you're playing with fire right? If Lord Jeon sense something off within your behaviour, he'll probably throw you out of Silla. Then it's gonna be a bye bye Jeonguk!"

Seokjin pouted like a baby. "Then what should I do?"

"Keep a low profile until lord Jeonguk gain some trust. Make sure he won't become uncomfortable because of your shenanigans."

Seokjin nodded thoughtfully. 

"What if I take him on a tour outside the mansion?"

Little Lord Jeonguk [Jinkook]Where stories live. Discover now