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It's been five days since he saw the handsome stable boy for the last time.  He badly wanted to talk with him again but couldn't find enough courage to go back down to the stable.  He feared he might blabber something stupid. 

But at last, lord Jeonguk ran out of his patience and that's why he's making his way across the garden at the moment. It seemed funny how his steps looked more unbalanced and unsure than other days. Like he's gonna rob the stable.

As the large shed came into the view, his heart began to drum against his rib cage like madness. He halted his steps and pondered on the thought of turning back when the guy he was dying to meet, came out of the stables. 

Jeonguk became really nervous and was about to make a run backwards when their eyes met. Both of them stared at each other with surprise for a good long minute.

Until the Seokjoon guy decided to open his mouth. 

"Lord Jeonguk?"

Jeonguk came out of his trance and mumbled. "I-I was looking at C-Cinnamon."

Seokjin cocked a brow. "I don't think you can see him while standing over there?"

Jeonguk almost slapped himself. Almost. He took a deep breath and walked over to the man who kept his gaze fixed on him. 

"Cinnamon had an injury two weeks ago." he explained as he stood before the tall buff man. "And I wanted to know if he's g-getting his t-treatment alright."

Seokjin pulled out a dirty cloth out of his top and wiped his dirty hands on it. Jeonguk didn't know the purpose for doing that. 

"Oh I took care of his medications alright. The wound has dried and he's getting a lot better now."

"Would he be able to walk just fine again?"

"Of course, in three weeks I can guarantee you. And if you want, I could take you on a horseback ride."

"R-Really?" Jeonguk became both excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because he had never rode a horse before and nervous cause the one who's requesting him for the ride is Seokjoon. The guy who made him feel butterflies in the stomach whenever he's around. 

"Yeah, How about we go for a tour outside the mansion?" Seokjin knew he's testing the water. "Y-You know, to observe interesting stuff to draw?"

Jeonguk's face fell. "I-I'm not sure we could go outside yet."

"Why not?"

Jeonguk fidgeted with his fingers as he thought of the answer to give. He didn't want to sound weak and pathetic in front of the Seokjoon. Not him.

"They won't let you go outside now, don't they?" Seokjin guessed with a hint of pity and sadness in his voice.

"N-Not them. Just my dad." Jeonguk then abruptly said, "But it's not like I've never been outside. It's just... only for Royal ceremonies and parties."

"That's it?" Seokjin questioned bewildered. "You've never gone to enjoy a waterfall? O-Or the Han river?"

Jeonguk felt a little offended but he didn't thought of it as Seokjoon's fault. The point is, he had to rethink about his caged life. He needed freedom, even a bit of it. 

But of course he was afraid of the circumstances. 

Meanwhile Seokjin wondered if he had been mean to the young boy and the very thought made him shake on inside. The last thing he wanted was to hurt his beautiful future husband's feelings.

"S-Sorry for b-being rude lord Jeonguk." Seokjin's trembling voice cut the train of Jeonguk's thoughts. "I-I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm truly sor.."

"..It's alright." Jeonguk mustered with a sigh. "I'm still young anyway. I could always dream of a better life. That's what prince Taehyung told me."

Seokjin's brows knitted without knowing. "Prince Taehyung?"

Jeonguk's mouth twitched into a genuine smile as he replied. "Yes, Prince Taehyung, the next heir of our kingdom." Jeonguk, somewhat seemed to be proud of talking about him.

And that annoyed Seokjin. 

"What do you think about prince Seokjin?" he knew if Yoongi was there he'd slap the living daylights out of him. But since he wasn't, he might try to get an opinion out of Jeonguk. 

"You mean Prince Seokjin from Goguryeo?" Jeonguk asked with wide eyes and Seokjin nodded. "Well, I've heard that he's handsome, kind and would make a great leader in the future. But I haven't met him yet so I don't really know if the rumours were true."

"Well, I've heard the same." Seokjin added, enjoying their talk a bit too much. "Actually I've been to Goguryeo once so I know it must be true. The people there loves prince Seokjin."

"Really?" Jeonguk seemed to show quite a lot of interest that he looked too cute. 

"Yeah. I've also heard that he sometimes disguises himself to travel around the kingdom to find if there were any issues to fix."

"Wow! He's truly a good man." 

"Indeed, he is. You might fall in love with him instantly."

"The folks used to say that?"


Jeonguk looked so pleased as if he heard a good bedtime story. His eyes glistened with happiness as he giggled loudly. 

"I wish to meet his highness someday. Maybe Prince Taehyung might help me."

"W-Well, You don't have to ask for prince's help for that. I could find a way to make you guys meet."

"And how exactly are you gonna do that?" Jeonguk asked with curiosity.

Jin knew he's about to get caught so he coughed loudly. Just to distract him. 

"I think I should return to my work before lord Jeon arrives. You should also go back to your studies or whatever you were doing before."

Jeonguk seemed to be thoughtful for a moment. Then suddenly, with glistening eyes he almost whispered, "Can we go see the Han river, tomorrow?"

Little Lord Jeonguk [Jinkook]Where stories live. Discover now