4.Handsome Hostler

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Jeonguk woke up earlier the next day to finish his painting, which he started on the other day out of boredom. 

After doing the morning routines, he change into a more comfortable hanbok and sat in front of his canvas board with the painting supplies. The board was back facing the window so Jeonguk could look out of it, once in a while. 

"Okay, I've finished the mountains, large meadow, little lake, ducks, a horse...yet, why does it seems like somethings missing? Or precisely, someone?"

Little Jeonguk questioned from himself. 

Suddenly, his ears perked up hearing a sound of a whistle outside. The melody was for one of his favorite tunes, and he listened intently. 

"Wow!" Jeonguk whispered almost to himself. "Who can it be? Whoever that is, must be a really talented guy. I haven't heard someone whistle like that for a long while."

Jeonguk pushed his stool backwards and tiptoed to the window. He peeked his head outside only to gasp out loudly. Realizing the man down there heard his sound, he quickly hid himself by ducking down. 

"W-Who is that handsome guy?" Jeonguk thought turning red all over. "D-Did he just caught me staring? Geez, that would be embarrassing."

"Why is he...Oh wait, he must be the new hostler. God, how is it possible for a hostler to look so hot like that? Oh I wish I could get a closer look." 

Jeonguk listened harder to find if he's gone and when he heard nothing, he straightened his back a little and peeped outside. There he saw the figure, now moving away from the garden area with some plants in his hands. 

Jeonguk watched his figure getting smaller with big curious eyes. 

"Gosh! Those shoulders are so wide!! Bet I can even sleep on that back." he mumbled and got upon his feet. Then smiling to himself, he sat back on the stool and started painting a man wearing a dark blue dress near the horse. A handsome hostler with wide shoulders like the one he just saw. 


"When do you think I can meet up with Jeonguk?" 

The new hostler questioned from another young stranger who seemed to look amused. 

"Don't you think this is going too far now, Prince Seokjin? I mean, you even risked your own life by leaving Goguryeo. My lord will kill me with his own hands if anything happens to you."

"Stop talking nonsense Yoongi-ah. This is once in a lifetime chance and I'm not dumb enough to let it go. Anyhow, Papa understands me."

"I should have a word with Hoseok about that stupid oil painting he brought to the castle out of blue."

"Shh..That's the best gift I've ever received in my whole life. My pretty babe in a meadow!? Ahh...so beautiful, so ethereal!!"

Yoongi facepalmed himself. 

"Do you think he'd like me?

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.  "Maybe?"

The prince looked disappointed. "That's not the answer I wanted. Huh, why do I have to even care when I've already planned marrying Jeonguk. He's the soon to be princess of Goguryeo."

"But I just heard the prince of Silla had returned back to Korea. He was an old friend of lord Jeonguk."

Seokjin frowned at that. "I saw him with my own eyes and trust me, he's nothing compared to me. I have all the power and looks."

"Then why did you wanna do it this way again, prince Seokjin? You could've just kidnapped the boy away."

Seokjin sighed annoyingly. "That's not how love works Yoongi-ah. Your grumpy little mind won't understand it."

"I'm fine this way" Yoongi muttered, rolling his eyes. 

"So how am I gonna take his attention? What should I do to make him notice me?"

"You should play your flute prince Seokjin. I'm sure he'd love that."

"Great, yeah! I can do that!? What else?"

"Try to take things slow Prince Seokjin. I may not know a lot about romance and those sappy stuff, but if winning Lord Jeonguk's heart in a nice way is all you wanted, you'll have to be patience."

Prince Seokjin nodded with a pout. "I hope that Taehyung guy won't interfere with my plans in the end."

"I think you'll have to work on that prince Seokjin. 'Cause I heard rumours about the Silla's King wanting them to be together?"

Seokjin's eye balls nearly popped out of the sockets at that. "What? You're telling me this now?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Figured out that it won't be changing your mind." 

Seokjin bit the insides of his cheek. "Yeah, nothing's gonna stop me from making Jeonguk mine. We're destined to be together Yoongi-ah"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. The prince of the most powerful kingdom in South Korea has gone mad because of a boy. A beautiful one though but Yoongi didn't dare to voice that in case Seokjin might start blabbering again.

Little Lord Jeonguk [Jinkook]Where stories live. Discover now