Eon One, Day Four..

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In Decepticon HQ, Megatron smiled to himself at the accomplishment. His share, the one he never really cared for, was offline. By his servos. It felt amazing. Was this what it would feel like to offline the Prime? Or better..?

Starscream returned moments earlier, and the seeker's optics darkened at the sight of his leader. He felt pure hatred for the gladiator, and wanted nothing more than for him to offline. His spark yearned for Blackblade's presence, but alas, she could not be here. She was watching over him, standing along side Primus and the rest of the fallen soldiers, citizens of Cybertron, and many more.

The warlord eventually turned to his second in command, who was sending quiet curses his way under his breath. He smirked, knowing he would attempt to offline him. Which would never happen as long as his spark burned withing its casing.

"Ah, Starscream. I assume you are here to offline me?" The seeker looks up to his master with deep red, blazing optics.

"Negative, My Lord." Megatron raised an optical ridge. Starscream notices a few dozen workers enter the room. Now, he can execute his plan.

"Hm.." The warlord growls, trying to figure out what his seeker was up to.

"I want to know, why did you offline Blackblade?" He asked, making sure to let the workers hear. The sound of her designation pained his spark, but he had to do this.

"For her." Starscream thought to himself.

"She vowed to never take sides. It's why she had half of our faction emblem on her shoulder plates." He looked away, puffing his chassis out to make him look big and tough. One of the workers ran to get the rest, which made Starscream smile evilly.

"But, she was your share, My Lord. Why would you ever want to hurt her?" The SIC asked this with a sort of pained but curious tone, hoping to get a reaction from the silver mech.

"She always got the attention of our creators. Only because she was a femme. They didn't care much for the Prime and I." By now, all of the workers and some staff, were in the room.

"I understand, My Lord." His voice laced with venom. "But the entire crew loved her. You know they will be upset." He looks up, seeing his master's questions optics.

Megatron finally realized what the seeker was doing. He looked around, seeing most of his crew in the same room. Starscream had turned his entire army, excluding a few, against him. Megatron's optics darkened as he looked down, glaring at the smirking mech below him.

"So this was your plan, Starscream? To turn my entire crew against me?" He asked.

"Why would I ever do that, My Lord?" He asked innocently. "You rid me of that horrible femme. I want to thank you." One of his arm plates opened quietly, a screen popping up and telling everyone behind him that he was not serious.

"I know what you are doing, Starscream. I know you loved Blackblade and planned to make her your queen when you became ruler of the Decepticons. Don't play dumb." He growled out. Starscream stood and narrowed his optics.

"Fine. You caught me. I did love her, and I did plan to make her my queen. But you..you ruined it! You deserve to perish! She had nothing to do with this war! You started it, but I will finish it." Megatron chuckled evilly, his deep voice sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"The only way you will end this war is if the Prime perishes by your servo." He smirks.

"I don't plan to offline the Prime. It's you who will perish. I will lead this ship and army into greatness. Something you could never do." Starscream's words filled with anger and confidence.

"Is that a challenge? I suggest you save your spark and walk away slowly." The silver gladiator orders. The seeker ignores him and steps up, coming as close as he possibly could to his leader and almost touching their chassis' together.

"Megatron." He says. "I refuse to serve under you. I am superior, you are inferior."

The warlord growls and shoots Starscream in the ped, making him cry out. He walks down and lifts him by his neck, squeezing the life out of him. His sputters of pain and gasps for air amused him. Megatron shoved the small mech into the wall and sliced some sensitive but not fatal cables along his torso. His cry came out as more of a choked scream as Megatron's grip tightened.

"Who is inferior, Starscream?" His sick smile widened as his second in command was put into stasis, a safety precaution in case of sudden death. Megatron dropped the seeker's limp frame and wore a disgusted expression. "Place him in a stasis pod and ship him off into space. We'll let Primus do what he wants with him."

A few dozen workers gathered Starscream up and put him into a pod. As it sealed, Shockwave made sure it was stable and working before shooting out into deep space.

The Decepticons were ordered back to their posts. They didn't think Starscream had a chance against the warlord, but there was still some hope for the future. He sounded confident in offlining Megatron, but it wasn't likely. They all decided that they would assist their commander when the time came..


ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER, HA! I'm really trying not to rush this story, so there will be a few more shorts like this. I love the few that like this story, and I appreciate the person/people who have voted on it. <3 It gives me motivation and hope that others will enjoy my work. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night. :)

(Words: 969)

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