Eon Six, Day One..

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Zero strolled down the dirt path in the woods near her home. She brought along a notebook and pencil in her small, black bag. She loved the woods. It was a way for her to get away from the drama at school, her annoying siblings, and the stressful demands of her parents.

Zero's parents wanted her to go to a big college. Being sixteen, she would finish high school soon. Why did she have to be born into a smart, wealthy family? She didn't do terribly in school, having A's and B's, but that just wasn't enough for her parents. They wanted her to have straight A's like her siblings.

They thought a girl should be smart and pretty. She was both of those things, but it wasn't to their expectations, apparently. They forced her to wear dresses and skirts, which she didn't mind as long as they were simple. But her parents weren't simple people.

The clothes she wore always had to be big and frilly. Not small and simple. And it always had to be pink and white. They would have a panic attack if they saw her in black, or grey. Any dark colors she wore would be taken and thrown away like trash. She hated it.

Zero sat down against a tree and opened the little black bag, pulling the eraser, pencil, and notebook out. She opened the book to a crisp, clean page before looking around and letting her beautiful, ocean blue eyes explore the scene around her.

There was a stream a few meters away, along with a few Willow trees and white Lilys on the bank. A little further back, an old bridge with moss and grass sat quietly. The sun shone down, making the stream sparkle like glitter. The sight melted her heart. Even as a kid, Zero loved nature. Her parents couldn't keep her inside for ten minutes without her getting out. She sketched the scene down lightly, drawing little outlines so she could fix them later.

A few hours later, Zero's phone buzzed. She lifted it from her bag and saw her mother calling. She sighed and closed her eyes. Why did she have to ruin everything she wanted to do?

"Hello?" She answered.

"Zero White! Where in the Lord's name are you?!" Her mother demanded.

"I'm at a friend's house, Mom." She said with a fake smile, hoping she'd believe it.

"That's not what your location says." She ground out. Zero pulled the phone from her face and checked her location. She forgot to it off.

"Crap.." She whispered.

"Come home, now." Her mom demanded.

"Fine. I'm on my way, let me get my things." She hung up before her mom could respond. She would be mad when she found out her daughter was in the 'dirty, filthy' woods, but she didn't care.

Zero placed her things in the bag and stood, taking in the beauty a minute longer. She walked towards her home, which was a little ways away. She hummed quietly to herself, loving the crunch of leaves and sticks under her black and white checkered shoes. She really did enjoy the scenery of nature, but with her parents being all 'anti-nature', she couldn't get out much.

Once she was out of the dense forest, she spotted the large white house only meters away. She sighed and turned back to the tree line. It was practically calling her name. Should she run back to the bridge? Maybe. But, she needed to eat, so decided against it, though it was very tempting, and walked inside.

"Zero!" Her mom called angrily. Zero simply looked over uninterested.

"Yes?" She asked innocently.

"Do not 'Yes?' me, young lady. I have told you time, and time again not to go into those woods. You can get bug bites, scratches, and bruises and ruin your photo shoots!" She screamed. Zero still looked uninterested.

Not wanting to argue with her mom or dad, she walked calmly to her room. Which, because of her parents, was bright, baby pink. It was like walking into a candy hell hole. Even though she hated it, Zero spent the time she wasn't in the forest in her room. That way, she didn't have to deal with her parents or siblings.

"Zero! I am talking to yo-!" Her mom was cut off by her daughter's door slamming shut.

Zero sighed and plopped onto the ugly pink bed. Why her? Why were her parents so demanding? She wanted a normal life, normal expectations, and loving parents. Well, her parents did love her, but not the way she wanted them to.

"Why can't someone love me for who I am.." Zero asked quietly, to no one in particular. She sighed and curled up before falling into a much needed nap.


Oh my goodness. I updated this book. IT'S A MIRACLE. 🥰 Thank you for reading, I love every last one of you. Have a wonderful day/night/evening. ❤️ I will be starting on the next chapter immediately after I publish this, so expect one not too long after.

(Words: 851)

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