Eon Six, Day Two.. (Continued)

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Zero stared up at him with a concerned look. Why was he crying? Was the pain getting to him? Was he thinking about his home? Maybe he was homesick. Whatever the reason, she wanted to help him in the best way he could.

"Zero." He said her name, almost in a plead.

"Yes?" She responds.

"May I tell you something that you can't tell anyone else?" She places a hand over her heart, smiling and nodding.

"I can keep it a secret. I promise." Starscream smiles and looks forward, taking in the scene as he starts.

"Before I landed on your planet, I had a friend. Her designation was Blackblade and I loved her dearly. My leader, Megatron, was her spark share, or brother, as well as his enemy, Optimus Prime. They've fought a war that brought my home planet to its demise for millions of years..I was losing hope. Then, Blackblade," He choked on her name. "Visited my leader and I fell in love. I promised her to be my Queen when I took the throne..I promised.." He finished, feeling tears as he repeated his promise.

"Did something happen to her?" Zero asks, very interested in the story.

"Yes..she offlined..or, died. Because she loved her shares equally, she became neutral, not choosing between Autobots or Decepticons. We, the Decepticons, were labeled as the bad side, while the Autobots were good."

"Megatron found the Autobot base and offlined her for choosing sides after he found out Blackblade and I were planning to offline him. I was raging. Then, in my failed attempt to turn his army against him and deflect, he shipped me off into space. I floated for years until I landed here and met you."

"Zero, you remind me of Blackblade. Everything about you, I love. I don't care if I just met you. Please, when I offline Megatron, will you be my queen?" Zero sat with her hand over her mouth.

This alien robot just summarized his life story in a few minutes, telling her that the love of his life offlined, or died, in front of him. Then, he asked her to be his queen? What was she supposed to say? Her world could be in a lot of trouble, meaning if she rejected him, it would be on her. Then again..she didn't mind it..

"I-..uhm.." Zero looked down. She still had her hand on his servo, and it felt colder by the second.

"You don't have to accept." He says,desperation inhis voice. She looks back up and smiles.

"Yes. I will." Starscream smiled lovingly.

He had his queen. Now, he needed the throne. But, he was injured and had no way of getting off this planet. Zero quietly placed the metal over his wounds, screwing them on when he was ready. She was such a gentle creature. So loving, and quick to accept him. Just like Blackblade..

Tears fell again. They were small but noticeable. The human femme looked up quickly and rubbed his servo. She whispered a human song that helped him calm down, then told him it would alright.

"Everything will be ok." She whispers. Starscream lifted her close to his chassis. "I'm here."

"You can't leave me, Zero. Please.." He pleaded, clutching her close to his face plates.

"I won't." She stroked his cheek plate. "I promise."

For the first time in eons, Starscream felt loved. This gentle creature accepted him so easily, it was like a prank played on those who weren't very popular. This was his human. His femme..and no one could change that. Not another human or Cybertronian.


Short because I have other ideas for the next chapter. I promise it'll be longer.

(Words: 624)

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