The Offer (chapter 1)

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Option 1 was chosen.
Keep watch of the chapter "world-building" and the section story recap to vote on what will happen in the rest of the story.
----------[story part]

It was late at night, the Devil Wrap ready to close when a mysterious man entered the establishment with two bodyguards.
Although he received some annoyed looks from the employees, the man asked loudly to see the boss. The employees ignored them and did their best to complete the cleaning and closing.

The man shouted louder until heavy footsteps were heard coming from the wooden staircase.
From it came two men of different postures, the first was a dark-haired thin man, and next to him was a massive man with short silver hair.

"State your business with our boss!" said the white-haired man.

"Bruno, please calm down." said the smaller man. "I see you are not here for our regular services, please follow me."

The dark-haired man led the strange and noisy man upstairs into an office. Bruno stayed outside the door.

"please excuse me for not responding immediately, I was sorting out some issues we have been encountering." said the black-haired man, to the three other men.he looked very thin and weak despite the muscles visible through his button-up.

"so you're Mr. Christopher Collins? If that's the case, I don't think you'll be of much use." The strange man sat down. In response, the dark-haired man sat down and held out his hand to the stranger.

"nice to meet you too Mr.<]~>¦]>]^" he replied as the other man grabbed the hand. Christopher's smile turned sinister as he nearly broke his potential new client's hand.

"oof, yeah yeah I get it. I see you can do the job! Please let go" begged Mr.]>]^ slightly irritated at the gesture. Christopher let out a small laugh.

"What would you like to ask me, good sir? You still haven't declared your business", said who started getting amused.

"Since you seem to already know my name, you know that I am an abnormal man." replied the strange man Christopher nodded. "You may also know that I have the foundation on my tail, literally and metaphorically. I recently obtained information on who was organizing the teams to capture me. That's why-"

Christopher cut him off, his amusement gone, replaced with a serious expression." you want an assassination? Doing so will only slow down the operation."

Mr.<]~>¦]>]^ sighed before adding: "I... We know, I just need more time... How much would this assassination cost?"

Christopher's amusement returned."you know the operation is very dangerous and I only accept cash for those. And I guess the person to assassinate is highly ranked in the foundation." he paused for a moment making the other men uneasy."150'000 Tunisian dinar, we have business in Tunisia, and need spare change."

The three men looked at each other wondering how they were going to find this sum in cash in dinars without being suspicious.

Christopher added: "I accept payment three times, 1/3 to start the operations, 1/3 during it, and the last 1/3 after the operation. And you probably know what happens if one of the payments is missed~ I suggest you think twice before accepting this offer~" he seemed increasingly amused as he remembered what happened to the last client who tried to fool him.

Mr.]>]^'s expression went from worried to defeated." we accept" he sighed.Christopher smiles.

"great! Here's the contract, be sure to read it carefully. If there is a mistake, tell me, and I'll change it immediately." he said, handing him the contract.

"After that, I'll escort you back out"

The three men had the impression of being in the grasp of the devil himself.The name of the restaurant is fitting, they thought. Mr.]>]^ made sure to read everything on the contract, he knew more than to trust blindly a devil, like Christopher. And to his surprise, there wasn't any mistake and signed. Christopher was beyond thrilled, he happily escorted them out. He was eager to start this job, there is never anything better than a little bit of danger in life.

But before he returned to fixing "the little problems" he was taking care with Bruno earlier.

-----------------------(edit log)

november 10th of 2022: error correction and rephrasing

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