Chapter One

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The candles in their bedroom burned low and Fern and Finn sat in bed reading. Fern held his usual spot on the side closest to the stairs and noticed Bmo creeping up them despite the robot's attempts to be stealthful. He didn't react except to try and catch Finn's eye silently. When his boyfriend finally looked up from the page, Fern shot a pointed glance toward the stairs. Finn's face broke into a smile, but he recovered quickly and they both went back to their books, pretending not to notice Bmo army crawling toward them.

"BMO STRIKE!" shouted the little robot as he leaped onto the bed.

Fern was prepared. He shifted into his Green Knight form at the moment of impact. His now much larger body deflected his would-be attacker with ease. Bmo fell back to the floor with a frustrated groan.

Finn discarded his book and leaned over Fern's lap, stretching his arms out to help his son up to his feet.

"Bmo, are you okay, buddy?" Fern asked, placing a massive hand on Finn's back to keep the other boy from sliding over the side of the bed.

"It will take more than that to defeat the Bmo," the robot replied haughtily. "But I will admit the Green Knight is a worthy opponent."

With his other hand, Fern scooped Bmo up and set him to perch on top of his grass helmet.

"But what if we joined forces?" he reasoned.

"Now that the Green Knight does Bmo's bidding, no one will defy me!"

The little robot struck menacing poses as he stared down imaginary foes.

Finn's shirt rode up as he awkwardly wormed his way onto his back to take in this new ultimate threat. He evaluated them for a moment before giving a solemn nod.

"Yup! You two look pretty intimidating," he said approvingly.

Fern attempted to fix his shirt for him, but Finn pulled it down over the other boy's hand instead and then crossed his arms to hold it there.

Bmo gave a smug little "hmm?" in reaction to their flirting.

Finn winked up at him, but Fern shifted back to his original form, causing the robot to fall from his perch down onto the bed.

"You do not have to be embarrassed, boys. I know all about what you get up to in here," he said with a conspirative smile.

"Don't encourage him, Finn," Fern scolded when the other boy laughed.

The blond tried to recover his composure, but couldn't entirely hide his smile as he climbed up to sit cross-legged between the two of them.

"Why don't you go hang out with Neptr? You've been spending a lot of time at Jake and Lady's and he's really missed you," the grass boy added to the robot.

"Neptr and I have different interests," Bmo replied snootily.

"Bmo, you and Neptr are brothers. You need to make more of an effort to get along with him," Finn lectured.

He picked Bmo up and stage whispered.

"Besides, I can't exactly put the moves on Fern here while we have an audience.

"Don't tell him that! I'm pretty sure he recorded us last time!" Fern exclaimed.

"I only captured audio," Bmo corrected him.

"Bmo!" the boys shouted in unison.

Fern nudged his boyfriend's ribs lightly as if to say 'do you see what I mean?' Finn gave a grudging nod.

"Bmo, go downstairs and hang with Neptr," the hero said sternly. "And absolutely no more recording us during private time."

"Fine. I will go," his son conceded. "But I want a full report in the morning."

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