Chapter Three

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Finn was still holding his empty mug from Jake's as he wandered the castle in search of Bubblegum. He found the princess hard at work in her lab. She was concentrating intently on an experiment and instead of interrupting, he found the only available seat at a small table near the window and waited for her to notice him. Bubblegum was deep in thought, though, so minutes passed. Finn gathered several equation-covered papers from the surface of the table and shuffled them into a neat stack. Setting them aside, he put the mug which he had been holding awkwardly in his lap down onto the sturdy butterscotch surface. The next instant Pep But appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and filled the cup with fragrant herbal tea from an ornate pot. Finn silently nodded his appreciation and Pep gave a curt nod in return before disappearing back into the shadows. Finn took a quiet sip of the steaming liquid before folding his arms on top of the table and resting his head on top of them. It didn't seem that the princess would be taking a break from her work anytime soon, so he figured it was fine if he rested his eyes for a bit.

When Finn came to he was being gently shaken by Bonnibel who stood over him looking concerned.

"Finn, how long have you been waiting there?" she questioned gently.

Like, eight minutes as far as he could remember, but the change in the quality of the light streaming through the window suggested otherwise.

"I think I got here around ten?" the human answered groggily.

"It's a little after five now," Bubblegum informed him.

"What the heck?!" Finn exclaimed as he sat bolt upright.

Bonnibel picked up Jake's mug a gave it a careful sniff.

"Pep's special blend. He knows I don't like to be disturbed while I'm working... I'll have a talk with him."

"Nah, it's cool. I think I needed the nap," Finn reasoned, quickly reconciling the loss of the day.

"Well then, great!" Bonnie said brightly.

She dumped the tea into the lab sink, rinsing out the mug before returning it to the table.

"So why are you here?" she asked as she turned to him.

Finn shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The dreaded time had come.

"Well, I was wondering if I could get your advice on something. It's pretty awkward actually," Finn started uncomfortably.

He continued to squirm and looked away, before going on.

"I tried to bring it up with Jake, but he basically kicked me out of his and Lady's house..."

Bonnie put a hand on his shoulder to stop his nervous rambling.

"Finn, you're Ooo's greatest champion and one of my closest friends. Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it and I'll do my best to help."

They exchanged warm smiles and Finn took a deep, readying breath.

"Okay... I want to have sex with Fern, but since we're both guys, I'm not really sure how."

"Oh!" Bonnibel exclaimed in surprise.

"We actually tried yesterday, but we didn't get very far. His ding-dong is freaking huge. I'm worried there's no possible way for it to ever fit inside me."

"I see...," Bubblegum said pensively. "Man, things sure have changed over the years, huh?" she chuckled before plopping down to sit on the table corner.

Finn's expression clouded over as he mistook her amusement for distaste.

"Um, actually forget I said any of that. I really shouldn't have come here. I'm super sorry, Bonnie. I'll just go."

Another hand on his shoulder to stopped him from getting up to leave.

"I didn't mean it like that, Finn," the princess reassured him. "It's just like, you're all grown up, y'know? It just took me by surprise. But I'm really glad you could trust me with this. Of course, I'll help."

Finn flashed her a relieved smile.

"Thanks, Bonnie," he said gratefully.

"So, the news is mostly good, but..." she began.

An alarm beeped on the princess's watch, interrupting her.

"Hold that thought," she said hastily.

Bonnibel stood, removed her glasses, and stowed them in the pocket of her lab coat. She then removed the coat, laying it over the back of the chair at her workstation, and shook out her hair. Seconds later her girlfriend Marcelline floated unceremoniously into the room.

"What are you still doing in your lab, Bonnie?" she asked, a little accusatory. " Oh, hey, Finn," she added as she noticed the human.

"It's not work," Bonnibel began to explain. "Don't worry I remember our arrangement. Finn's just stopped by to help me with a personal matter. Sorry, but I completely forgot he agreed to help me today so how about I come by the cave after he and I are done here?"

Marcelline crossed her arms.

"Yeah, except Bonnibel Bubblegum never forgets anything," she intoned suspiciously.  "A personal matter, huh?" she mimicked Bonnie's phrasing and gave them both appraising glares.

Finn averted his eyes. He appreciated what Bonnibel was doing for his sake, but he didn't want to be the reason she lied to Marcelline.

"It's okay, Princess," he reassured her before turning to Marcelline. "Bonnie's actually just giving me a bit of, uh... relationship advice."

The vampire queen became suddenly cheerful.

"Ooh, I can help with that, right, Bon-Bon?" she added to Bubblegum.

"Well, you are a very good girlfriend." the princess admitted. "But, I think this matter might be a little..."

But Finn had already accepted that with the arrival of Marcy, the situation had gone very far out of his hands.

"So, what it is is I wanna do it with Fern, but his thing is crazy big so I don't know how," he blurted out to the vampire like ripping off a bandage.

"How big is 'crazy big?'" Marcelline asked without skipping a beat.

Finn indicated the approximate size with his hands.

"Whoa," the girls said in unison.

They both sat on opposite corners of the table, one perched on either side of him. Marcelline leaned in conspiratorially.

"I guess being part demon has its perks. But, I coulda told you that," she quipped.

With this, she winked at Bonnie who blushed but recovered quickly.

"If you're just going to make jokes I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," the princess said affecting a stern tone to cover for her lapse in decorum.

"No, it's okay, really," Finn said lightly.

He felt much better now that they were all talking about it casually. To be honest, he much preferred the current situation to having to discuss the issue just him and Bonnie.

"I need all the help I can get," he added with a grateful smile at them both.

Bonnibel shrugged and Marcelline rose to float a few feet above them in a more comfortable position. Bonnie picked up a bell from the table.

"Okay, then. If we're all workshopping this tonight, I'll have Pep bring us some pizzas."

"Ooh! And some extra jars of tomato sauce," Marcelline chimed in.

"Naturally,"  Bonnie agreed with a grin.

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