Chapter 19: Investigating Riot's Plan

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(N/A/N): Hello everyone, this a Mako and Venom first solo Chapter in this story so far. There will at least more like this later on. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Mako POV

Not too long sense (Y/N) took Ryuko and Lola to go see his parents. As for me and Venom, we went out to go where we met Riot during the grimm invasion. Venom and I talked about it once and awhile, but never investigated what Riot was talking about. But once Ryuko, (Y/N), and Lola went out, Me and Venom disaide to go investigate. But before we did, I made sure to tell Satsuki what Venom and I were going to do. I also explained how we met Riot and when it happened. Satsuki was concerned that I was going to investigate something we don't know who we were up against, but she accepted what I was planning, but if Venom and I were in any trouble, she wanted us to retret and head back. So now Venom and I are at where we needed to be to start investigating.

Venom: Soooo, where do we start?

Mako: Well let's start with what Riot said to us. Um......What did they say to us?

Venom: We can say it word to word. On the day of a festival, everything you know will crumble to the ground like a house of cards. But despite that, we have no lead on where they went.

Just as I was about to give up, I noticed a mark of a Spider logo like on (Y/N) Spider-Man suit on the side of the building. I walked up to the Mark Spider and looked around to find another couple of them through the alleyway.

Venom: We take back what we said. That's a lead.

I started to follow the marked spider through the alley until I stopped at one that is perfectly even and perfectly at my height.

Venom: Something tells us that we should break down this wall.

Mako: Is it ok if I do it?

Venom: If you want, go for it.

I looked down at my arms to see Venom turn my arms into theirs, but still have control. So I ready my right arm and punched a huge whole in the wall.

Mako: That's so cool.

Venom: Glad you like it. Maybe you could do all the work without us taking over.

Mako: Sounds good, but what if I am having troubles on my own?

Venom: Then we'll jump in and save your ass.

Mako: Sounds like a plan.

My arm turned back to normal and I walked right in. I couldn't see much, so I looked around until I saw what looked like a light switch on the wall. I flipped the switch and that turned on the lights in the room. Once the room lit up, we saw what looked like a secret hideout with some computer equipment.

Mako: What is this?

Venom: That's a computer. You should know this.

Mako: No I mean-

Venom: Relaxe, we were just joking with you. But we don't know what this computer has. But try turning it on to see what happend.

Mako: Sounds like a good idea.

I turned on the computer and was greeted with a password lock.

Mako: Okay, looks like we can't get in, without the password.

Venom: Well we're in luck, cause We symbiotes can get in the computer and crack the code easily.

Mako: Wait, you can do that?

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