Chapter 11 - Friends

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Ross's POV
I woke up startled. I squinted at the bright light in my face. I looked around and checked my surroundings. Hospital room, monitors on left, table and chairs to the right, large bandage across my chest. I tried to sit up; I lifted myself only to fall down defeated by my wound. That's when I remembered what happened, I hope Trott's okay.

"Nurse! Nurse!" I shouted. A young woman came running, "what's wrong Mr Hornby?" She said in an 'I don't really care' voice. "What happened to the man who arrived at the hospital with me!? He's called Chris Trott, is he okay?!" I asked desperately. She didn't show much care, but she replied by saying, "he's fine sir, he's in the coma unit down the hall."
I can't believe Trott's in a coma, I wonder how Smith's coping with this, his two best mates are in hospital and he doesn't know about it. I looked around to find a new phone sat tidily on the table, it was an iPhone 5c in blue, and it had a new sim in it which had all my contacts on it ready for me. Someone knew I was here; I picked it up and started to text Smith.


R: "Hey, um I don't know if you know what happened, but Trott and I are in hospital. I've got stitches in my stomach and Trott's in a coma, tell the yogs and the fans we won't be recording anytime soon."
Sm: "Ross! You're awake! I already know, Storm found you two and called me, I'm coming to see you now, won't be long!"
R: "Tell Storm thanks from me and Trott then and I'll see you in a bit."
Sm: "Storm already knows, she visited you guys with me yesterday, her sister came too. Anyway you tell her yourself, I added her number to your phone. I'll be there in about 10 mins."
R: "Okay, well I will! And yeah, drive safely coz I sure didn't."

I stopped texting Smith and texted Storm instead, wanting to thank her for calling an ambulance for us. I decided I would start by using the classic hatfilms greeting.

R: "Good Day Storm, it's Ross here, I just heard you were the one who found me and Trott and called the ambulance and everything, so yeah thanks."
St: "Ross! You're awake, I see you got your phone! And it's nothing really, any sane person would have rung an ambulance, I just happened to be the only person passing by so yeah one thing leads to another."
R: "No I mean it thanks, and yeah it's such a coincidence you happen to walk past, Smith's coming to see me so I better go."
St: "Yeah he'll explain everything to you, have fun!"

Wait he'd explain everything? What didn't I know? I put my phone down and examined my stomach again, the nurse had cleaned it and put new dressing on while I was texting, and it no longer showed my deep red blood and it looked healthy. I'm glad Smith was visiting, I didn't want to be stuck with the stupid nurse all day, she wasn't even that good looking either, so I asked her to leave as soon as I could and she left without saying a single kind word, although I did notice her say 'selfish bastard' as she walked out the door. "Eat shit" I whispered, that's when a familiar face walked into the room. Smith.

Storm's POV
I got up later today, to find a note from Smith on the table, it said;
'I've gone home to get some clothes and so I can get back to work, call me if you get in any trouble. Or telepathy I guess, anyway thx for letting me stay awhile and don't upload the GTA yet I don't want the yogs finding out I was with you instead of working. Love Big Bro x'
I found it weird to see him put 'love big bro x' at the end as you wouldn't suspect Smith to be such a softy, but I guess he was on the inside really. I mean he does air soft and yet he loves geckos and says they are cute. Guess that's just Smith for ya....

I had my brunch (breakfast & lunch = brunch) and turned on the TV, I watched the news before watching the Woman in Black 2. Tess came in a few minutes later and grabbed her breakfast, before parking herself beside me on the sofa. "Where's Smith?" She asked me, making me miss a jump scare in the film. I handed her the note and she read it and put it down. She carried on eating her brunch as the movie played on.

I needed to record a video after the film was finished, and it didn't have to be a major video. I planned to do a vlog after so I decided I would pop into town while doing it, to make things more interesting. The film finished 30 minutes later, I flinched and Tess hid behind her pillows as the Woman in Black appeared one last time on the screen, smashing through the photo of the really cute guy in the film, his actor being the gorgeous Jeremy Irvine. I laughed at the pair of us as the credits rolled, we were a mess.

I got up and went to get changed, I think Tess did too as she wasn't in the living room when I got back. I started to put on my blue puma suedes as Tess walked into the room with her shoes and jacket already on. "Where are you going so suddenly?" I asked. She tapped her nose and walked out the door, I shouted to her as she left, "if you need anything tell me as I'm going into town to do a vlog!" I think I heard her shout okay as I got a text saying 'buy me some moams and I'll be happy'. I laughed. Typical Tess.

I got my jacket on and walked out the door, locking it behind me. I walked down the stairs and headed towards town, the apartment block was about 10 minutes away from it and a little exercise wouldn't kill me. As I got to town, I pulled out my camera and introduced the video, "Hey Storm Clouds it's me again and today I'm doing a vlog of my trip into town!" I got a few strange looks from passersby, but I ignored them, not to say I also got a few wolf whistles when I walked past the pub. Drunken idiots, I hadn't bothered with boyfriends after my last one, and to be honest being single wasn't half bad. I carried on with my vlog.

"So today I'm going to meet my best friend indigo at 'Catherine's Cafe' we are having a little meet up after Indigo has just moved here from Yorkshire, I'll tell you more about things when we get there, see you soon!" I said cheerily, turning the camera off as I quickly called Indigo

*phone call* (I = Indigo)

I: "Hey Storm long time no see, what's up buddy?"
St: "Hey meet me at Catherine's cafe in town, I'm doing a vlog and my fans just have to meet you!"
I: "Yeah I will. I'd be privileged to be filmed for your channel. You need my awesomeness. Not to forget you probably miss the Yorkshire accent."
I laughed, I did have a Yorkshire accent still, but it was mixed with a southern accent now. You could still hear it when I said certain words like 'no' and 'mate' though.
St: "Haha very funny, now come on miss awesome I'm waiting!"
I: "Yeah yeah I'm coming, see you soon, and can't wait!"
St: "I can't wait too, see you in 5."

And with that I ended the call and walked into the corner store to buy Tess her beloved sweets, they were on offer as well so I grabbed quite a lot, not to mention a lot of blue bon bons for myself. What can I say they are my secret addiction other than J2O; also Indigo would be pleased as she also shared my strange addiction to them. I walked out the store stocked with sweets and walked towards the cafe, I arrived on time if not a bit early, it's been too long since I last arrived somewhere early.

"Omg it's really you! Hi I'm Katie and this is Janet and Meg, we are like your biggest fans! Can you sign this for me? And not to forget, can I get a picture please!" I smiled and politely said yes as a group of fans in the cafe got up from their table to greet me at the door. After the bombardment of fans, I managed to sit down and find a nice place for me and Indigo to sit. I sat waiting, excitement rose inside me, I'd really missed Indigo, when I moved it was hard to leave her behind, but we managed and here she is again.

Hope you guys like the story, the girl in the media is what I expect Indigo to be like. I liked writing about Yorkshire again; I miss my home town there so it seemed right to mention it again since it's only been mentioned in the intro of this story. I'm welcome to any questions people have about me irl or the story.
If you would like a description of what powers people have then I could do that for you if it makes things clearer.
--Lizzy xox---

Edited 15/8/2018

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