Chapter 20 - Yogtowers, and Hospital Life

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Smith's POV
I went back to my apartment first to get changed, then headed off to pick up Trott. It was nice to know that I wouldn't be walking in to yogtowers alone. I got my stuff and a short drive later I was outside Ross's house waiting for Trott. "Hey Trott you ready?" I asked him. "Yeah I guess so.. So how am I gonna tell them I woke up? Coz I mean with Storm and everything," Trott paused. "Just tell them you did it out of natural causes," I replied, not wanting them to know about Storm just so early on.
"Yeah I guess that'll do," Trott said, before getting in the car. I followed him, hopping into the drivers seat and we were at yogtowers a few minutes later.

"Here we go..." I said pressing the buzzer. I saw Trott worry, I could sense his nerves. "Mate it's the yogs there's no need to be nervous," I smiled at him. "Yeah..." He replied. I heard the voice let us in and we walked in towards the elevator. We dropped in by our office before heading to the common room. I knew the yogs had planned a surprise party for Trott, I couldn't wait to see his reaction. After we tidied the office a bit, I dragged Trott towards the common room, making sure he went in first. "SURPRISE!!!!" I heard the yogs shout. Trott laughed and then smiled, I could tell he was glad to be home.

The room filled with cheer and laughter, yog party's always went well. Everyone was in a good mood after Trott came back and I could easily say that today's recordings were going to be great seeing that everyone was in such a good mood. We obviously didn't drink as we all had recording to do, so at lunchtime we all went back to work. I followed Trott into our office. He looked upset. "What's up Trott?" I asked looking over his booth to him. "I just can't help feeling bad that I'm perfectly fine and Ross is still in hospital," Trott said, looking down at the floor. He was feeling the guilt, the nurse said something about guilt and depression, maybe I should bring Storm to see him. Surely he won't be sad then.

"Hey Trott don't beat yourself up about it. Do you want me to invite Storm over here for you?" I said. He looked up, he sparked with life again, of course he wanted Storm over. Was I stupid? "It would be nice mate, if it's alright with you, coz I mean if I'd known you fancy her then I wouldn't have been so attached,but you know....." I cut him off. "Trott I do not fancy Storm. I can't it would be wrong, I'll call her for you if you really want." I said, getting my phone out my back pocket. He smiled, "thanks Smith."

I called Storm, this was going to be a big mistake. Bringing a fangirl over, also everyone loves her music and I hoped the yogs wouldn't overwhelm her about it. I had told myself that I wouldn't, but it was too much of an emergency not to. I dialled her number on my phone and waited for her to pick up.

Storm's POV
I was sat by myself now. Tess had managed to walk to the hospital to see how Ross was doing, but me, I just stayed home with my popcorn and I watched all the horror films I needed to catch up on. I finished my 5th film when I heard the phone ring. I jumped and squealed a little as I had just watched five horror films so I was incredibly jumpy. I looked at the contact on the phone."Smith" it said.


St: "Hey Smith what's up?"
Sm: "So you know I said I wouldn't invite you to yogtowers yet?"
St: "Yeah I do it's not fair!"
Sm: "Well Trott is like really unhappy and I think he needs you to cheer him up."
St: "Wait does this mean I can finally come to yogtowers?" I jumped with glee clutching the phone even closer to my ear.
Sm: "Yes it does, so get a move on before Trott turns into a even more depressing walrus. And if anyone asks you who you are do not mention your YouTube name, just say Trott's girlfriend okay. As long as they don't know about us being family then we can keep up the whole old friends thing."
St: "Yeah I will don't worry, I'll be there in ten mins won't be long! Byeeee!"
Sm: "Thanks sis bye."
St: "See ya."

I put the phone down and ran to get changed, I upset Indigo who was sat in my bed moaning about her head. I told her about going to yogtowers and she was too hungover to even fangirl over it. I had put on a pair of jeans and a cute t-shirt designed by yours truly here. I had designed it and sold it as merch and many people loved them. I kept a short one that hung over one of my shoulders, it was red in colour and had my quote on it. I told the two hungover ladies in our bedrooms I was going out and that the paracetamol was on the table if they needed more. I walked out our front door and locked it, for their safety, they were too hungover to be dealing with burglars.

It took a short while for me to walk to yogtowers, When I got to the entrance Smith let me in and I slowly found my way to the Hat Films office. When I stepped out of the elevator I was instantly greeted by a man. I looked up only to glance away. It was the Mark Turpin of the Yogscast. "Hey there lady, where are you going?" He asked me. Omg not the best time to fangirl Storm. Defo not the best time. "Um I'm going to visit Trott and Smith, they let me in," I said finally getting my words out. "Well okay then can I at least ask your name?" He asked another question, I panicked, what had Smith said about names? I forgot and said, "Storm Harrison or StormSings." That's when I saw Smith face palm behind Turps' grinning face. Shit I wasn't meant to say my YouTube name. I really fucked this one up.

"Oh really well I'll see you around Storm. Have fun with Hat Films." I thanked him and walked towards Smith. "Sorry I forgot," I mumbled as he glared at me. He stopped glaring at me when we got into their office. I saw Trott sat in his booth looking as happy as a child at a funeral. Poor him, I went over to him and gave him a cuddle. "Hey you," I said as I wrapped my arms around him from behind.
He turned and smiled, "hey gorgeous," he replied.
I blushed a little and pulled out of our hug. "Aww ain't you cute walrus," I teased, it was his time to blush now.
"I love you Storm."
I went back and hugged him again "and I love you too Trott."

Smith looked really awkward in the corner, sat by himself having to deal with us two. "Hey Smith you want to join in on the cuddle?!" I shouted at him from across the room. He laughed and said, "I'd rather not get in the way of you and your love sick walrus. Just don't get too soppy or I'll have to kick you out," he laughed again, seeing the reaction on my face. Trott was blushing a little about Smith's comment on the love sick walrus. I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed a deeper shade of red. I smiled at his rosy cheeks and he pulled me onto his lap. I sat curled up my head on his chest while he finished editing his video.

Tess's POV
So somehow I had managed to get up and go to the hospital. I knew Ross would like the attention of others so I visited him as much as possible. Occasionaly I would bring him food, but today I didn't have time to walk around with a slight hangover, looking for food. When I got there I nodded at the nurse and went to his room. He was awake and he was looking at his scar which had healed quite significantly. "Hey Ross," I chirped, making him jump. "Geeze Tess you scared the hell outta me!" Ross replied. "Aww did poor Rossy get scared?" I teased in my baby voice. He looked really annoyed, but he laughed anyway. His laugh was extremely cute, his eyes were a different shade of blue today, there was a flec of purple in the corner of his eye from my flux.

"So when are you able to get moving again?" I asked, wanting to start a conversation. "Hopefully today, I was waiting for help coz I'm allowed to go back to normal, but I'm a bit wobbly." Ross answerd. He put his legs over the side of the bed and I went over to his side, helping him stand up. "There see that wasn't so hard," I said, as Ross wobbled in the spot where he was stood. That's when he fell, I caught him, but Ross is a big guy so we ended up in a heap on the floor. I instantly shot back up avoiding all awkwardness and I helped Ross get back up afterwards. "God I feel like jelly at the moment, sorry about that Tess, I'll be more careful next time," Ross said, avoiding eye contact with me. It was perfectly fine with me, but he obviously didn't feel the same about me so he hadn't liked it.

So I'm writing a new book, if you haven't already seen. And yeah I will be updating them alternativley. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to comment what you want to see happen in the story, I need a lil inspiration from you guys! There's a bit more of Strott and Toss here aswell.

-Lizzy xox---

Edited 2/1/2019

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