Chapter 38 - Date Night #2

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Tess's POV
Ross drove us to a quiet part of town and to the large park in the area. I was surprised when we parked nearby and he got out. "We've arrived," he said opening my door for me. Curious about what we were doing here I didn't question him, but his smile showed that it was something. I put my hand in his and he walked us towards a small hill. I looked across the park as we walked up it, the flowers and nature flowing with life essence, the same essence which flowed through me. We reached the small hill and laid out was a large blanket, a picnic and a bottle of champagne. "Oh Ross it's wonderful!" I squealed hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek. He blushed a little before smiling. "I'm glad you like it my lil gem," he said as we sat down, he put his arm around me and I leaned against him.

Ross's POV
I was pleased that Tess liked the picnic, she seemed pretty happy. I'm just glad I could make her so happy. Not to mention she looked stunning in her cute dress. I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head, I felt her lean in closer to me and we sat and ate the food before pouring the champagne. "I thought you were a piss drinker?" Tess said laughing.

"I can make exceptions," I said winking at her making her laugh again.

"I love you wolfie, never leave me okay?" Tess said. I tucked the hair in her face behind her ear and looked into her beautiful eyes, "I promise I'll never leave you. I love you too much," I replied. She smiled and hugged me again. She didn't even know the best bit hadn't happened yet.

We sat talking for awhile before it started getting late, Tess was about to disappear, but I wasn't letting her miss the next bits. "Hey don't go yet there's some things I need to show you," I called grabbing her hand and pulling her back down beside me.

"I'm cold wolfie," she said with puppy dog eyes.

"Have my jacket," I said taking it off and wrapping it around her shoulders.

"Yeah but now you'll get cold," Tess said cuddling closer to me.

"Well I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you," I said putting my arm back around her where it was before.

"So what's so important anyway?" Tess asked intrigued.

I smiled. "Just wait my lil gem. Just wait" I replied. We sat quietly and just as I had predicted the sun began to set and the view was truly incredible. "Wow this is beautiful," Tess gasped.

"Not as beautiful as you," I replied. Tess laughed. "What too cliché?" I said.

"Maybe a bit, but that's how I like you wolfie don't change for anything," Tess said before kissing my cheek.

We sat admiring the view before Tess said something. "Ross do you see that?" Tess said pointing to the few stars that shone through the light clouds.

"See what?" I replied staring up at the sky and searching for the thing that amazed her so much.

"The stars! They're aligned, it's like a portal shape because I can see the purple mist," she said still pointing at nothing.

"Tess I can't see it? Is it magic maybe?" I asked.

Tess nodded. "It's more than magic Ross! I think we just found the portal to the magical realm!" She exclaimed a smile spreading across her face.

"How can you tell?" I asked again curiously.

"I know because the essence here is strong enough to hold a portal open and I can feel the essence trying to pull me in. It won't but I feel it's powers!" Tess said excitement and adventure obviously passing her mind.

"Well should we tell Smith?" I asked feeling like it was a stupid question.

"Seriously Ross you asked that?" Tess said sarcastically.

I nodded smiling, "yeah I did, stupid question right?"

Tess nodded. "Of course it was dufus." I laughed at what she called me and began to tidy up.

"Well we can tell him tomorrow it's getting late now anyway," I replied collecting up the blanket and picnic basket. Tess grabbed the bottle of champagne and we began walking back to the car. We were halfway down the path when Tess stopped at a large oak tree. She knocked on its wood before placing both her hands flat against its trunk. I watched as her eyes flashed purple and the tree began growing and the leaves turned lush green. Flowers sprouted at the roots and it gained full life again, it was truly a wonder and such a nice thing to see. Tess turned around and found me staring at her. "Close your mouth, you're catching flies" Tess joked. I did as she said and went over to her side.

"Tess this is beautiful! I didn't know you could do that!" I said as she closed her eyes and tamed the flux.

"Our essence is connected with nature some can also use our powers to restore nature back to its pure beauty," she said smiling and holding my hand.

"So you can talk to my dogs?" I asked curiosity taking over.

"No I can't, but Storm could, she had the animal ability," Tess said her excitement dropping a little.

"Hey hey let's not end the date on a bad note. C'mon you helped Mother Nature out!" I said cheering her up. She smiled but didn't say anything.

Once we got back to Tess's I left her at the door, but before I walked away she held me back. "Thanks Ross for everything," Tess said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"No worries anything for you," I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you wolfie," Tess said and before I could reply she was kissing me. It was like she was an angel from heaven. First she gives life back to a tree and now she's saving me. When we pulled apart a smile was plastered across both our faces. "See you tomorrow then," she said pushing me back towards the car and winking.

"Sure thing cutie," I said winking back and she left and went inside and I went back home to tell Trott about our recent discovery.

When I got home, I fed the boys their tea and went to join Trott in the living room. "How's your date go?" Trott asked wanting to know if I'd screwed up.

"Pretty ace actually, better than even I expected," I said remembering the portal.

"So what happened that made it so amazing?" Trott asked.

"Tess thinks she found the portal to the magical realm," I replied. Trott's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Does that mean we can save Storm?" He asked eagerly. Tess hadn't told me much but she did say not to get our hopes up, but not to stop believing in Storm.

"Well I don't know, I was told not to get my hopes up, sorry mate," I said. I watched Trott's smile fade. Poor him. He really did miss Storm.

Storm's (Amber's) POV
I was already getting used to this trashy place Jet called a prison. And to my luck, Jet showed me all my friends and family having fun, without me. He forced me to watch Ross and Tess on their first date and he left about halfway through forcing me to watch the realisation that my little sister had been on her first date without me being there and before I even had mine with Trott. Also another thing which had brought my hopes up were the fact they found jets portal which he used to travel between realms and that Tess was giving life to nature. If there's one thing I know about essence, nature was the holder of the purest and most powerful essence it creates most of our powers. I just was happy to see them smiling again. And they still hadn't forgotten me but just carried on with me being an side effect of their lives, so I was never forgotten, but easy to remember. I missed them and Trott dearly, the smile on Trott's face when Ross told him about the portal melted my heart. He really did miss me more than I thought he would. My poor walrus lost in his own sea of tears created by the loss of me.

Hope you like the date guys! It's my first actual date to write about so yer. Anyway hope you enjoy and sorry for not posting last night as my wi-if stopped working and screwed up but yeah enjoy!

-Lizzy xox----

Edited 25/04/2020

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