Chapter -2

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And as I was scanning the message my heart was beating so rapidly that I thought it would come out. The message went like 'we regret to inform you that you didn't pass the interview....'. oh, I didn't get the job wow. I love life.

As soon as I was done reading the message, another message popped at the top of the screen. It was from hybe too. And this time when I clicked on it I screamed with joy and tears because they want to interview me again but this time with the presence of the CEO. this sounds fun no more.

I have three days until the interview. I have to instruct myself well this time. Since I have some suggestions from the last time and this might be my final luck. I have to do well.

I rushed to my workspace, started going through my work, and made all the required changes. There were only a few as I read it at least 17 times the last time before presenting it.

Once I was done with that I went to bed early. It was only 8 in the evening but getting back on track was necessary for me. I will make sure I get this job no matter what. I followed this sleeping pattern. Sleep at 8 and wake up at 4 before sunrise.

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After the interview,
a few minutes after I stepped out of the building I got a call from my oldest brother saying I should come back home as soon as possible due to some issues with my passport. This is hectic. I am almost getting a permanent job I believe and should go back home now.

I checked for a two-way ticket cause I go, come back, and get this job in my name.
Luckily, it took me around 8 days to fix the issue I had with my passport. Whatever it was, I had to get it fixed as soon as possible after all the issue was with my passport, also because I don't live in my hometown anymore.

I got back home at 4 in the morning. It was confirmed that I got the job. I received the mail when I was with my parents.
(On the day of the interview with the CEO)
After I got done with my interview, I talked personally with the man who runs the interview session and told him I had some issues with my house being far from my workplace so if there is any way he could help me and he replied that I would be discussed on this with later on and not worry.

Hybe has this one rule where they let around 20-24 of their workers stay in their workplace by providing them with apartments but like said you need to have an appropriate reason or should be a well-fitting employee. Luckily, I got to be one of them cause I'm the only person working here in the name of a therapist.

Honestly, I'm worried to meet my not-yet official patients because they would think I'm mentally ill for recommending them a therapist when they could be doing well but who knows as I said it says they could and not they undoubtedly are. I was given three weeks to settle in and introduce myself to the idols.

As I went back to my hometown for more than 1 week, I only had 2 weeks left to prepare everything. It required me around 11 days to finally call this apartment my home. I'm so glad about how everything turned out. The view from this huge window of mine was just so pretty. I am so thankful to myself for applying to this job without having a second thought.

I slept well that night knowing how I don't have to worry about being watched by a spider, being theft, and now, after so much hard work I have a job that is going to make me happy hopefully. I woke up early, prayed fajr, and had this really deep talk with my creator about how grateful I am towards him for everything he has blessed me with.

I know there were times when I rushed my prayers because of this Dunya (world). But I will always return to him because he is the one I need after all.

2 more days until I start to work yay but also no. I can sense my anxiety preparing herself to attack me on the first day but let's not worry about it much now. I had some grocery shopping to do today so I left the house. on my way back home, I pass by a few people I had earlier talked with before moving here.

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