Chapter 4: Let's Choose a Class, Senpai!

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"Wow! Look at that massive gate!" Takao yelled in awe at the massive door that divided the village from the grasslands.

The entrance to the town was overseen by two guards, both wearing armor and wielding combat spears. They had a very bulky build, resulting in everyone being quite intimidated by them.

The guards, however, didn't seem to have a bother with them. It seemed like they would most likely be allowed inside without problems.

Takao was the first one to approach, rushing past the gate and being the first one to enter the city. The guards didn't seem to have a problem with outsiders entering town, simply letting the others advance as well.

Naoto looked around the town in amazement. The city had an extremely medieval atmosphere to it. People were walking around the streets wearing ragged cloths or very simple attire, causing them to severely stand out with their school uniform.

The group hadn't eaten a lot the last day, so they were currently looking for someplace they could buy a meal in.

"Let's try that place!" Hana called out, pointing at a stand that sold what seemed to look like meat skewers. Naoto, being the one with the pouch full of coins, nodded, walking up to the man running the stand.

"Hey. How much for eight skewers?" Naoto asked the owner.

The owner smiled, using his fingers to count the total price. "Let's see here, boy. Eight skewer should set you back by about... twenty copper"

Naoto sighed in relief. Twenty coppers definitely seemed like a fair price, at least relative to the amount of cash they had on them. Naoto nodded, handing out the copper coins as each member grabbed a skewer, savoring it as they made their way deeper into the city.


"We. Need. Weapons!" Takao yelled in excitement. "If we're going to go out into the wild again, we need some way to defend ourselves."

Naoto and Hana nodded. "You're right, I think we should look for a place to buy some sort of weapon for defending ourselves." Naoto responded as they made their way deeper into the city.

After looking around for a while, a certain place caught the groups attention. It seemed to be a giant tent with a sign on top. The sign read 'Class Awakenings'. "What does Class Awakening mean?" Gamo asked Naoto, who shook his head, apparently having no idea.

"Should we go in? What if there's creepy stuff inside?" Sakura asked. Nagatoro took her chance and turned to Naoto. "Don't worry. Nothings as creepy as this guy right here!" She smacked him in the head repeatedly.

"S-shut up!" He turned back to the tent. "I think we should go in. Whatever it is they're selling, we probably have enough money to cover for it."

The group entered the tent one by one. Surprisingly, it seemed even bigger on the inside than on the outside. The tent was decorated with fluorescent flames floating near the ceiling with magic. The place seemed pretty fancy for all they could tell.

On the sides of the tent, there were multiple weapons and clothing hanging on the wall. And on the center there was a massive circle with a moon symbol drawn on it.

Right behind said circle, there seemed to be what looked like a counter with a book on top. As Naoto and the others looked around, a strange woman jumped from behind the counter, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Hello, young travelers! Welcome to my shop of iddy bitty spells. What can I get for you?"

Naoto had jumped in surprise from the woman appearing out of nowhere, and was stuttering in an attempt to respond to the woman. Before he could finally respond, Hino took the lead.

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