Time For An Adventure!

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We will have to get Noah to dig up the grave, in order to get the journal with the spell inside it.
I will have to do a spell to open the tomb once he has dug it up.
Once we get the journal, it will take me a few weeks to practise it. As it is a sacred spell, in which only the high witches can do.
No one can know that there is witches and hunters still in Shadow Falls, so do it were only people can get in.
We can meet up with you and Noah outside of our town, every day. But for now we need dig it up. We all need to keep a low profile.
It only took 5 minutes for Noah to dig it up and when he did there was a lock.
-Now it's my turn.
Samantha started whispering the words "let me in your soul, your soul is mine" repeatedly. After a few times of saying those words the coffin opened. There layed a rotting corpse with the journal and dug the grave back up.
We heard noises so we got our of there as soon as we could and then dropped Sam off at home. Then drove back to our house to get some rest after tonight.
The next day at school Imogen and Merissa looked for Samantha, but she wasn't there.
A few days past, Sam still wasn't at school.
We went to her house to see of she was there, but she wasn't. Neither was Isabella. They looked everywhere, but all they found was a note in the middle of the floor, crumpled up.
It read: "Help me! -S"
S, as in Samantha?
We need to help her, but where could she be?
Noah came up with an idea.....
"Maybe she has been captured by the demon followers!"
"The Demon Followers?"
Yes she told me a story about these demon followers, when she found out I was the one who saved Isabella, she told me.
"So, whats the story?"
Well, in her village called Runya there are these cruel followers who kill innocent witches. This is because, they believe that magic should be forbidden in any place of the world. Although, Runya was the witches hometown, they invaded it and burned all the witches on crucifixes. However, some witches fled the village to other places. -Just like Samantha did.
However, the demon followers find you if you fled. They find you by a magical source but only use it if necessary. Samantha said they would soon find her.
They must of found her.
"Then I guess we're off to Runya....."

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