The Demon Followers Return

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"How far away from Shadow Falls to Runya is it?"
It will take us a few days, so we'll have to be quick or else we will be too late.
"They might of already started to proceed in killing her."
Well she helped us, so we're helping her. Also, it gets us away from Shadow Falls and maybe the people will forget about hunters more if we're not there.
Noah lets go in your truck it will get us there faster. Bring as much food as you want, because we will be only stopping at a garage to fill up the petrol.
After a day of driving and taking turns in driving, we are half way there. We will have to be careful and pretend like we don't know Isabella or Samantha.
We're stopping off at the garage and this is the only stop.
We will have no stopping now.
A few hours later we stop the truck at the side of a forest, near to Runya.
We catch a glimpse of fire in the distance and hear screams coming our way. We run into the forest and see a group of witches strapped to crucifixes and being burnt alive. Thankfully none of them are Isabella or Samantha. Although, that's not the point, atleast we know they must be in Runya locked up.
We run back to the truck before anyone can spot us. We all get back in the truck and carry on driving so that we can get to Runya before them. This will mean there will be less Demon Followers to fight off. We will have to fight them off individually, and not in groups. So we can fire them off one by one.
We finally arrive at Runya. The front gates are guarded by three followers, we'll take one out each. Thankfully they have no cameras in the village. I get my bow and arrow out and Noah gets ready to run over and attack. While Imogen gets her whip out.
I shot one of them with my bow and arrow, but Imogen missed they grabbed her whip. I shot the other one, while Noah attacked the other. I grabbed the keys and we got inside.
The village was really quiet and it looked all abandoned. We drew a quick map of the village and where all the guards will be standing. We drew x's on our targets.
The time was right, I felt it in my bones. I'd never been so ready in my entire life. Imogen wad also ready, I could tell by the way she was standing.
We split up and went to different parts of the village. We killed off most of the followers. We met back up in the centre of the village.
At the side of the centre was a huge metal gate. With the sign cells at the top of it, hanging. I could tell Noah felt very uncomfortable and not it his zone
I'd never seen him like this.
It was only a small gate, so I kicked it down with the help of Noah. I could hear the moans and cries of the witches. Who are starving in their cells.
We got in their and I spotted Isabella and Samantha at the end, in the same cell.
I remembered I took the keys from one of the guards. One of the keys must be for the cells.
When they spotted us, Isabella started screaming and shouting, "no! no!"
I quickly unlocked the cell with a lucky guess of which key it was. I grabbed Isabella to stop her screaming but she wouldn't stop. So Samantha ended up snapping her neck. "There was no need for her anyway."
We had to leave quickly, before anyone knew we'd took her.
We got in the truck and drove very very fast. In the distance we saw the followers getting ready to go back to the village. So we drove as fast as we could past the forest.
Samantha was telling us everything that happened.
"What if the other witches in the other cells, fesses up about us being here."
What if they knew we were hunters? What if they knew where we came from? What if they follow us home?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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