Unconditional Love ♥️❤️

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Have you ever had this thought of being alone?
No one loves you,cares for you,can see your problems!
Even the people you love and care about are not there,they take you for granted!
Friends forsake you,hate you for no reason!
Do you feel unloved, rejected and depressed.
Alone,lonely,and depressed!
Do you think there is no hope and
do you think you are all alone?

Well I have something to tell you
There is someone who loves you unconditionally, recklessly.
Someone who sees all your secrets yet he loves you.
Someone who will never leave you,forsake or despise you despite your enormous sins and shortcomings.
Because of that overwhelming and never-ending love that person decided to die a painful death just for our sake.He was pure yet he was punished for you and me!
oh,what an overwhelming and reckless love.
You and I had no essence,no standard yet he showed up for us!
Can you see that you are loved.
So the next time you think you are  not loved and alone remember that there is someone up there and everywhere who loves you unconditionally.
At the right time he will send us real friends and people who will shower us with lots and lots of love and care!
He is allowing the fake people today in your lives for a reason.
He will give you the real ones soon!
Those who will love,cherish,adore and accept us for who you are!
So be happy and live life to the fullest,make Jesus Christ your best friend today because your life today is as a result of his unending love!
Spread this good news to people,you never know who is in need of encouragement!!

Stay tuned for more!
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