Wonderfully Made

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I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works,you know me well
Psalm 139:14

The world today is filled with people who are depressed because of their looks.
The world is filled with people who try to belong, people who make themselves uncomfortable just to look like others.
Plastic surgeries among both male and female(especially female)is on the increase!
Humans today can't do without artificial stuffs.
Hair extensions
Artificial nails
Flashy earrings and necklaces that can be frustrating
Revealing and skimpy clothing etc..

Don't misunderstand me please,no pun intended 😊)

The question is why?
Why can't people be proud of who they truly are?
Is there anything wrong in being natural?
Why must teenagers allow themselves to be told that they are not beautiful?
Why do the society today take pleasure in body-shaming others because of their looks?

Teenagers today suffer from low self esteem and depression just because of that 'perfect' girl or boy they saw on Facebook, Instagram Twitter or any other social networks.
They say within themselves:
I wish I was beautiful/handsome like that
I wish I had such long hair(am guilty of that,I fancy long hair a lot 😊)
I wish I had that killer shape
Why am I so ugly, unattractive etc

Teenagers tend to forget that everyone is beautiful just the way they are!
God created everyone in his image and likeness.
Irrespective of colour,gender, shape,hair etc
You should know that you are beautiful and handsome just the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

You are beautiful
You are great
You are unique
You don't have to be fake like everyone else
You are God's image, created in his likeness
You are resilient
You are wonderfully made
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Someone will love you for who you are
God Loves you just the way you are!

So don't let anyone get to you.
When next you feel not beautiful or when next someone tell you that you are not beautiful or handsome,reply them saying:
Always tell your self that you don't need all those fake stuffs to be beautiful,you are beautiful just the way you are!

Author's Note

Please let's mind what we say about other people looks out there,you never can tell how it might hurt the person.
This help build me up!!
Listen to SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL by Alessia Cara.
It's one of my favourite!
Please keep the comment,likes and share rolling.
I would love to read your comments please.
See you soon🤗🤗

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