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***Believe in yourself, you can do it,don't let anyone tell you otherwise..

***Be yourself everyone else is taken, accept no apologies, BE YOU, someone out there loves you the way you are.

***There is something in you that the world needs!

***Don't worry about your future or how you are going to accomplish everything,God has already lined up what you need!

***Never loose sight of your dreams and callings,keep pushing forward, everything will be alright!

***Sometimes you need to go through an emotional breakdown to have a great breakthrough!

***You are beautiful just the way you are, don't let words bring you down!

***There is something in you that the world needs, discover it and develop it!

***God is not punishing you, whatever you are going through is not a punishment,trust his plan not your pains!

***God gave you this mountain that you are going through now so that your life will be a testimony and you will tell people how to overcome it tomorrow!

***You are the heir of the King,so talk like it,act like it, and dress like it!

***One day everything will make perfect sense so for now,laugh through the confusion,smile through the pains and remember everything happens for a reason!

***The friends that are ignoring and treating you unfair today will see you rising today, don't worry!

***Don't worry about those who left you today, tomorrow they will come running to you and you will have better people.
Don't forget people go so that better ones who will cherish you will come!!

***Hey, don't give up,you are almost there!!

***You were created for a purpose,you are not an animal that live and dies,you are God's masterpiece,you are designed for greatness.Believe that!!

***Time is coming when you will remember these days and with a smile on your face you will say ‘it was worth it’!!

***God is building you,just trust the process,no successful person ever had it easy,when you feel like giving up remember that every successful person today has a story to tell.
         Steve Jobs,Ben Carson,Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Micheal Jordan,Christiano Ronaldo,Lionel Messi,Walt Disney, etc
All these people today have a story to tell just like you will have a story to tell in the future but only if you persist and never give up.

Author's Note
Hello guys,
I just felt the need to encourage someone out there and also myself here.
Brighter days are coming trust me.
If you want to talk just WhatsApp me through this number 07064744105.
Pls comment,vote and share.
You don't know who might be going through something today.
I would love to get feedbacks,do please keep the comments rolling.
See ya!!

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