Meeting Everyone.

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Sean made his way down to baggage claim nervously, Mark was supposed to be picking him up there and Sean was crazy nervous to see him for the first time, always having a sort of crush on his friend. Not enough he'd say anything about, just a sort of, if you kiss me Id kiss you back sort of crush. So as Jack came down the escalator he scanned the crowd for Mark. Mark waited for Jack and finally saw him coming down the escalator. Mark got over whelmed with joy but was nervous because he didn't know if Jack would act the same in real life as he does online. But Mark thought that Jack was the cutest YouTuber ever just his accent and his eyes. Mark couldn't wait anymore he ran over to Jack and gave him a hug.
Jack didn't even know what was happening when he was suddenly pulled into someone's arms, whoever it was they smelt very good, a bit of old spice and hair product. Jack pulled away to see who it was and was over joyed. "Mark! Buddy ol' pal!" Jack practically shouted, as normal. Oh Jack it's finally so good to meet you, Mark yelled with Joy. I have been waiting for this moment for such a while. Deep inside Mark felt that him and Jack had a connection and it just wasn't because they had a love for gaming something else. Well Jack, let's get in my car we have to go meet up with Bob and Wade at this really nice club downtown. Sean grinned ear to ear. "I can't believe I'm finally here!" Jack said and yawned, suffering from a bit of jet lag. He followed Mark out of the airport, fighting the urge to hold his hand. As they were driving Mark couldn't stop thinking about the fun night they were going to have. Oh god what if we get to drunk and something happens Mark mumbled. Mark thinks to him self change the subject. So how was your flight Sean? Mark asked trying to change the subject. Jack shrugged, rubbing his eyes. "Long." Was all he said in response, he can't even remember what he did most of the flight, mainly eat and watch whatever movie was on the in flight TV. You look worn out Sean you wanna take a nap before we get there its about a 4 hour drive to Boston. Mark asked.
Sean yawned and nodded, rubbing his eyes. "I think I might... Jet lag and all." Jack laughed and smiled, nodding. "Got a hoodie I can use for a pillow?" Jack asked.
"Yeah here you can borrow this one" Mark pulls a hoodie off of the back seat and Hands it to Jack. "Is this one alright if you would like another one I can give you the one I have on?" Mark asked. Jack smiled a shook his head. "Thanks man.." He said with a smile, "I can work with this." He said as he tilted the chair back and tucked the balled up hoodie under his head as he curled up in the chair. Jack smiled a bit when he smelt Mark on the hoodie. Mark looked over at Jack while he was sleeping "Awe he's so cute when he's asleep" Mark turned on the radio "theres nothin good on the radio this is going to be a long drive" about four hours later they Make it to the club where they are meeting Bob Wade and Aaron. "Jack wake up" Mark saids shaking Jack. Jack was sleeping peacefully when Mark attempted to wake him, but the Irishman was a deep sleeper. "I have a idea I'll text Wade to come out his ugliness will pick him up" Mark said playfully. "JACK!" Mark yelled. Jack jumped awake in almost in a karate like move. "A-AH". "Jack your not a ninja". Jack pouted and crossed his arms. "Am to. I'm a boss.". "Come on let's go inside they are waiting for us". Jack pouted. "I was sleepin.". "Ima pull you in" Mark grabs Jacks arm and starts pulling him. Jack flailed. "Noooo~" He protested, crawling away from Mark jokingly. "Fine fine!!". As Mark went to help Jack up off the ground Bob, Wade and Aaron walked out. Jack just kept flailing like a hyperactive irish muffin. Jack stood up and rubbed his eyes. "But I just woke up.". "Well I guess you will have to stay up all night" Mark said winking at Jack. Jack looked at Mark and raised an eyebrow. Did he just flirt with him? "Hehe maybe maybe not" Mark said laughing. Jack rolled his eyes and greeted bob and wade. "Crazy to meet you guys!". "Nice to finally meet you Sean" Bob said. "Top to the morning to ya Sean" Wade said. Sean patted bobs back and laughed at wade. "You're ridiculous wade.". "I have to be its m job" Wade said. "Ok shall we head to the hotels I'm pretty tired" marks saids while yawning. Jack whined. "But I'm hungry." Jack said looking at Mark. "Fine, I'll take to Mc Donald's than to his hotel we'll see you all later" Mark said looking at Wade and Bob. Jack nodded. "Okay I'll settle for fries". "Ok" Mark said. "cya tomorrow Bob and Wade" Mark said walking over to Bob to hug him. Sean waved at them with a grin. "C'mon Jack get your ass in the car" mark saids while getting in the front seat. Jack rolled his eyes and got in the car. "You're pushy.".

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