Mark's Thoughts

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(Okay so after this Part Mark and jack are going to meet back up so don't panic septiplier is still here :3 )

Mark woke up at eleven having a bad hang over, "What time is it?" Mark pulled out his phone "oh it's eleven I wonder what time Jack left last night" Mark said as he stood up and yawned. Shortly after he noticed that he was naked, "hmm pleasant" Mark said as he slipped on a pair of sweat pants and walked into his kitchen. "I'm guessing Jack invited a girl Over last night, and we did something, aye if the Irish man invited her than she had to be hot" He stretched and started to pick up some beer bottles, "oh god my head" Mark said rubbing his head. "What even happened last night?".

Mark went into his living room "awe shit I better wash my flannel I have to wear it to the convention tomorrow" Mark stood up and walked to his room. He started throwing shit around "where could it be? I hope Jack didn't take it by accident, he better washed it if he did I don't want his Irish germs" Mark laughed at his own joke. "I guess I better call that Irish fool" Mark pulled out his phone and called Jack, it ring for a few seconds before he answered "H-hello?" "Hey Jack it's Mark I just wanted to ask a few questions!" Jacks froze "uh sure buddy anything!" " alright cool, uh do you know where I put my flannel at last night and did you invite some girls over because I woke up naked." Mark laughed and blushed and that same time "uhh... I haven't seen your flannel Mark Sorry, and uh sorry Markimoo I don't know about that I left after you passed out" Mark Face Palmed and sighed "Okay, I will try to look for it and I will talk to you later Jackipoo just come in when you get here" Mark laughs and hangs up the phone. "He seemed so nervous I wonder why?"

Mark started cleaning up beer bottles around the hotel room. "Where the hell did I put my flannel~" buzz buzz Mark looked over at his night stand. Mark sighed "Bob." Mark picked up the phone "hello?" "Hey Mark don't forget you and Jack have to be here in about two hours to help get ready for the fan girls." "Alright Jack is on his way over now and we will be over." "Alright." "Talk to you later." "Bye". Mark started picking up clothes and shit and then He found the victim "Cinnamon Whiskey, goddamn it I said we wouldn't get this this year. Not after what happened last year with me, Jack and Aaron." He threw the bottle in the trash and finished cleaning up the mess.  

He went and sat on the couch "ugh. I'm exhausted! This hang over has the best of me. My ass hurts also what the fuck."  Mark laid down on the couch still shirtless, he dozed off waiting for Jack to come up to his room.

(Back to Jack)

Jack started walking up to Marks room, "should I just knock or go in... He said to just come in" Jack opened the door and looked over at sleeping Markimoo.  Jack threw his flannel across the room like its been there the whole time. He shut the door behind him and walked over to mark "goddamn it Mark" he was laying their shirtless his jeans pulls down some so his adonis lines are showing, and he was drooling. Jack tries to think of a way to wake him up without scaring him "Merk... Merkkkk" it wasn't helping. He was sound asleep. I just thought of the first thing I could and poked his face. He jumped up and pushed me on the ground and got on top of me. "who ar- Jack." "Hey Merk" Jack was red as a tomato and Mark could tell he was hiding something. Jack looked At Mark "uh, mark could you get off of me-" "whatchu hidin pretty boy?" Jack went from a tomato to a cherry he even broke a sweat. "Uh Mark I'm hiding nothin~" "Jack, don't lie to me." He got a scared/embarrassed look on his face "well I didn't want to say anything but Mark... I think... we uh... did things last night..." Jack covered up his face with his hand waiting for Mark to punch him. Mark looked scared, Jack I...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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