Mark's Hotel

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Jack sat in Marks car while they were driving down the highway just munching on potato chips. "So mark?" Jack asked. Mark took his eyes off the road for a second "Yes Jack?" He responded. "I was just wonderin' how much longer 'till we will be there." Jack asked Mark. "Oh just a little bit longer" Mark responded. Jack sat in the car quietly thinking to him self. What if Mark or I got wasted and did something..... would that ruin our friendship?!? "Jack stop thinking like that" he blurted out. Very soon after that his face turned red like a cherry. "Um What Jack?" Mark looked over at Jack confused. "Oh nothin I was just havin' some bad thoughts" Jack responded still looking like a cherry. Mark just turned his head and kept driving. Jacks face started turning back to normal and before they knew it they where at Marks hotel building. Mark and Jack parked and walked in carrying there Cake, beer, and chips (which were half gone thanks to Jack) went up to Marks hotel room and plopped down on the couch. They started opening beers and before they knew it Mark was white girl wasted. Even know Mark was drunk he was still bright. He looked over Jack and noticed he was a little tipsy, Mark kept thinking "Would it count as taking advantage of him if I just kiss him could I get away by saying that I was so drunk I don't remember?". Mark scooted closer to Jack, Jack didn't really noticed. But then Mark scooted his hand to Jacks, then Jack saw what Mark was doing and started to blush (Any girl would do that not just jack ツ ) . Mark didn't noticed what he was doing she he just lugged in for a kiss. Jack didn't stop mark from doing this, then ten seconds later Mark was on top of jack on the couch making out. A couple minutes later it got a.. a... little violent, they where kinda fucking but with clothes on. Jack was running his fingers through Mark's hair while Mark was kissing his neck. So eventually they moved to the bedroom and Mark laid Jack down on the bed and started to take off his pants, than his underwear. Jack's rock hard dick was directly in front of Marks face, and so on, and so on. So that was the night at Mark's hotel room. The next day Jack woke up the next morning first thing he noticed is that he was naked. He sat up in the bed and looked next to Mark and saw him asleep and naked, "Okay, Okay, what happen last night"?!?!?! Jack said panicking but trying to say quite. Jack slowly got out of bed and started walking to the door when he noticed that he was still naked. So he picked up one of Mark's flannels off the ground and a pair of skinny jeans. After that Jack called a cab and went to his hotel.

Septiplier  (Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fan fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum