Part 4

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The silence that passed between the two of them was almost palpable, and Mike's confusion at Will's sudden dejected behavior was clearly there in the space between them.

"So uh, what are you looking at?" Mike read the title that Will was currently fixing his gaze on. Even though Will was too caught up in his head to read it too, he knew it was probably pretty boring. It was like he was in a bad dream. Will heard that you couldn't read anything in dreams. So if that was hypothetically true, all he had to do to escape this nightmare was find something to read. If it was blurry, he was safe.

Will picked up the title and read the cover. It was as clear as day. He felt sick.

" Essential Hydraulics and Pneumatics? Damn El, that sounds like the most boring shit I've ever heard of."

Will felt like he was caught between two realities. He put the book back.

"Well then, Mike , what do you suggest I read?" Will couldn't help the annoyance that slipped into his words. If Mike noticed he didn't mention it. Instead he smiled. Dopey and adorable. A smile that made Will's stomach dip. Before Will could protest Mike grabbed his hand and pulled him across the library.

"You're going to love this, El." And he must've said it a little too loudly because the librarian aggressively shushed him as they passed. He shot her an apologetic look and pulled Will along faster. His long strides were harder to keep up with than he thought possible. He was quite tall, taller than Will and El.

Will, to his horror, realized that he was smiling as Mike pulled him along. He couldn't help it, whenever Mike got excited about something it was like the whole world was lighting up.

He missed this side of Mike. It hurt to think that El would be the only one to see it after all of this.

"Here we are."

Will knew where they were. It was the place in the library he probably knew best. It was towards the back of the fiction section, where all of the fantasy books were kept. Glancing at the floor, Will could practically imagine Dustin and Lucas sitting on the ground leaning up against the shelves, their legs blocking the aisle. He could see Mike too, younger, a look of pure immersion on his face as he made judgements on whether or not a book was worth bringing home. Mike used to say that you could tell if a book was worth reading based on the first couple of lines. Will would argue the best way to truly know was to read the last ones. Mike would rightfully judge him with a horrified smile on his face.

"I think you'll like..." He scanned the titles, Will already knew that he was familiar with each and every one. "Oh! This one!" He pulled out a hardback book that was peeling at its edges. Before Will could properly read the title Mike opened it and breathed in its scent. "Smell this."

Will was confused but obliged. The scent of the paper gave him a nostalgic shock.

"I love that smell." Mike said, completely serious.

"You're a weird person."

"Thank you." His expression was warm. "Anyways. The Forgotten Beast of Eld. The main character reminds me of you."

Will could understand the comparison mainly because he'd read it before. He knew well enough that El wouldn't have though. The main character was a girl with magical powers, a wizard, who could summon beasts. It's a love story.

Will's heart twisted painfully.

"Really?" Will says, successfully hiding his internal agony.

"Yeah, you should read this one." He holds the book out to him. And Will hesitantly takes it with both hands. Mike doesn't let go of the book though and for a moment it feels like they're frozen in time.

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