Part 8

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Will was frozen as Mike set up a spot for him to sleep on the couch. Neither of them spoke, but he could tell that Mike had a lot of questions for him.

"So, uh, that should be it." Mike stood back. "Just like old times, I guess."

Will didn't trust himself to talk, he didn't know what words would come out if he tried. It was painfully awkward.

"I..." Mike swallowed. "I guess I'll go." Mike turned to walk back up the stairs.


He swiveled around so fast that he had to catch himself on the banister.



"Oh, yeah. Goodnight."

And then he was gone.

When the awkwardness of that moment faded away Will felt paralyzed. What was that? Did all of that just happen? Why was it so awkward?

Will flopped onto the pillow face first. Something told him that he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. Why did Mike seem so embarrassed about the drawings?

Will turned onto his back and stared up at the ceiling rafters. He recalled every word that Mike had said, every small expression, everything he'd done in the past, everything that he knew him to be. None of it lined up. Mike simply didn't make sense to him anymore.

And why did it feel like something monumental had happened while they were talking? Why was he looking at him like that?

Because you look like her, Will. He loves her, you heard him say it yourself. She's the best thing that's ever happened to him. Nothing has changed. He thinks you're her and when he realizes what you are, he will hate you, too.

Will turned onto his side, tears threatening to spill again.

You're so stupid. So stupid.

He blinked hard, willing himself to think about anything else. Like... how did he get here? He'd never addressed that. He remembers closing his eyes and wishing to disappear. And he had. But this isn't where he'd expected to disappear to. Perhaps whatever this ability was it took into consideration what was in his subconscious too, because if he had it his way he'd be dead right now. But he wasn't. He was in Michael Wheeler's basement.

"What is wrong with me?" Will whispered.

And he had asked him if he wanted to sleep in his room! Will's eyes bolted open like he had been shocked. His entire body flooded with embarrassment. Did Mike want him to sleep in his bed with him? Oh my god.

Will slapped his hands to his face.

Get a grip. You've had sleepovers with him before. This isn't anything new. And you're not even yourself. He never would've asked if he knew who you actually were.

And then he remembered the small smile on Mike's face as he looked through Will's drawings. When he thought no one was watching.

Will sunk into the couch and pulled the covers close, letting that image of Mike carry him into the depths of sleep.


Will was greeted with a rude awakening when Mike shook him awake the next morning. Will had never been a heavy sleeper, so it was a wonder how he hadn't heard Mike come down the stairs considering the frenzy he seemed to be in.

"You need to hide. My mom's coming down here!"

Will's eyes widened, fully awake now.

"O-okay!" Will scrambled off of the couch and hid where he had the previous night. Mike tossed the evidence that Will had been there behind some boxes and hopped on the couch.

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