The turtles and the girls were just chilling in the living room when splinter walked in wearing his
Lou Jitsu outfitSplinter: Oh my Lou Jitsu jumpsuit from one of my award winning Lou Jitsu dojos! What on earth are you doing on my shoulders?
Sophie is the only one who looked up
Sophie: I think it looks great on you Splinter!
Splinter: Thank you Sophie! Now as for the rest of you...
He karate chopped everyone else on the head
All: Ow!
Splinter: Enough playing blinky beepy phone games! I'm trying to talk to you about my Lou Jitsu dojos!
Leo: Wow Lou Jitsu dojos are a thing? Who knew?
Lizzie: Not me
Kim: I didn't
Rebecca: Same
Sophie: I've never heard of this before. Sorry Splinter
Splitner: It's alright but everyone else knows about them! It is the largest chain of dojos in the city!
Donnie: New York City?
Rebecca: Or the Hidden City?
Splitner smacked both of them with his tail
Splitner: No Moon Base One City. Of course New York City!
Rebecca sat back on the couch
Rebecca: You could've just said that
Kim: You're the one who was sarcastic
Rebecca: Oh come on it was funny!
Splinter: Ahem!
Rebecca: Right. Continue
Splinter: Thank you. Today is my long-overdue dojo inspection day to make sure they are teaching my moves properly
Now everyone was interested
Raph: Even the Seven Deadly Vipers move?!
April: The move they never show in movies cause the mere mention of it always makes your enemies surrender?!
Lizzie: Can you teach us that move?!
Splinter: No. that move is a sacred secret
All except Splinter: Aww...
Splinter: But Lizzie if you want to know more you should ask your mother
Lizzie: Wait what?!
Splitner: Now I was thinking I might take three of you along-
Donnie: Dibs!
Kim: Dibs!
Raph: Dibs!
Rebecca: Dibs!
Mikey: Dibs!
Sophie: Dibs!
Leo: Dibs!
Lizzie: Dibs!
All the teenagers glared at each other
All: DIBS!
Raph: I got it! Last three standing get to go with Pops!
The nine of them got into a fight and Leo was the last one standing
Leo: Loons like Leon's the winner-!
Rebecca pushed him aside
Rebecca: The Thunder Sisters are going with Splinter!
Kim and Sophie stood up from the fight
Mayhem In New York City
FanfictionMeet Lizzie a cat yokai who is ready to fight villains, make friends and even fall in love with one of the turtles. Even if not everything goes as expected