Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Hearing the same familiar noise, I startled awake as a tall dark silhouette stood over me with what looked like a machete in hand. As I tried to wrap my mind around what was going on, they grabbed my right hand before quickly bringing the blade down. A sharp pain jolted through me as he brought the blade down again.

"No! NO!" I screamed lurching forward as the pain shot up my arm before I slowly looked around at my surroundings. It was just another nightmare, I'm okay now. I told myself. I was in another cavern but it didn't look like the ones we had been in and it was darker. A sunken hearth had preoccupied the middle of the small cavern with a pot hanging over it and a cup standing up straight on the edge. There was a pipe sticking out of the ground with a pot laying under it and plenty of odd looking bags tousled around. Softly panting, I ran my hand through my curls before noticing myself. My skin wasn't covered in sand and sweat anymore nor was I wearing my prison clothes. There was even a weird blanket over me and some type of soft material underneath me. Who had stripped me down? Was I dead? I asked myself as the dripping caught my attention. Quickly turning towards the sound, I noticed the pipe dripping into the pot.

Doing another look around, I picked up the cup before crawling over to the pot while dipping it down into the dark water. Slowly bringing it back up, I sniffed it before putting it to my lips and taking a sip. It tasted like spring water yet it had a slight sweet taste to it. Sitting back on my knees, I had started to drink the rest of the water in the cup when the noise above me caught me off guard. Quickly looking up, I was surprised to see the same tall silhouette standing above me with only its jade green eyes staring back at me. Slowly moving away from the entrance of the hole, I moved back over towards the makeshift bed as the tall silhouette dropped down into the cavern, carefully watching me as I still sipped at my water. As it stood tall, I watched it carefully secure some object back over the entrance where a cool breeze had swept through as I shuddered. Quickly pulling the weird looking blanket over my shoulders, I was even more surprised to see the creature reaching out a gloved hand towards me. Looking down at the cup, I looked back at it before handing it over. "But, I'm not done." I mumbled as it quietly chuckled before dipping the cup back into the pot and handing it back to me.

Once the cup was back in my hands, the creature sat down on the other side of the hearth while pulling a satchel from over his shoulder. Sniffing my cup again, I slowly took a few sips while watching the creature as it began to undress. It slowly pulled back its dark hood, revealing big curly black horns and long flowing dark auburn hair. I could see a portion of his face that wasn't hidden by his mask. His skin was an orange red color, kind of like a crayon! Yet, it looked really smooth from my spot.

Noticing my gaze, he looked back up at me again. This time I noticed his eyes. Though they were jade green, his irises looked more like a cat's. It was weird but it was also fascinating. Without looking away from me, he slowly pulled off his gloves as I stared at his hands. They looked almost human but they were also an orange red. Next to go was the large jacket like cape which he swiftly took off to reveal a well fitted shirt. It kind of reminded me of a muscle shirt that some of the farm hands used to wear but it looked better on this guy. I hadn't realized how big he was until now. He had nice muscular arms with a wide chest and abs peaking through that "well fitted" shirt of his. Good lord, I couldn't pull my eyes from this man.

"How are you feeling?" A smooth voice questioned as my eyes quickly shot up to his. He was staring at me still. Did that voice come from him? I asked myself while scanning the small cavern as a chuckle came from his direction before I snapped my attention back to him.

"You can understand me?" I asked while slowly lowering the cup as he nodded. "So, where are we and who are you? Why were you following us?" I shot off as he looked down at the flames in the hearth before looking back up at me.

"You're on a planet called Sinniriel. I am Kai of the Apiazans tribe and I've been sent out to hunt down the intruders." Was all he said as he watched me like I would just break any minute. He looked a little taken aback when I nodded. "Are you not afraid that I might kill you?" He questioned almost like he was cautiously reminding me that he can.

"I was at first, but as you've seen by now, I've been afraid of worse things than you." I grimaced while gently holding my right arm and looking away. "Plus, I'm sure you saw what happened with your dra—" As I turned to look back at him, I was surprised to see him towering over me as I leaned back from him, eyes wide. "Fucking shit, big guy! You about gave me a damn heart attack." I half exclaimed half laughed as he gently reached out to touch my arm, surprising me by the coolness of his touch.

"Are you okay? I also heard you screaming earlier and thought something had got into the cavern, that's why I was standing at the entrance." He explained as I stared at him in confusion. He heard me? He's worried about me?

"Am I dead?" I inquired as he looked at me with confusion in his eyes before quietly laughing and shaking his head.

"You're not dead. I'm surprised you and your small group made it this far without any protection from the two stars in the sky." He stated while sitting down on his knees before taking my cup in his hand. He turned towards the pot still hooked onto the hearth before gently tipping it, pouring blue liquid into the cup. Once it was filled almost to the top, he turned back to me before holding the cup out to me as I took it from him. As our fingers brushed against each other, he looked up at me from the cup. Slowly putting it to my noise, I sniffed it before scrunching my nose in disgust as Kai just laughed.

"Why does it smell so bitter?" I asked while rubbing my nose, the smell still lingering.

"That's the grass flowers. They're bitter herbs but they're great for fever and pain. That's what I've been giving to you for the past few moons." He informed me as I tilted my head in confusion.

"Past few moons? How long have I been asleep?" I inquired as he seemed to be counting up on his fingers before holding up three. "What?? Wait, I've been asleep for that long? What about the other three women I was with?" I asked, panic setting in on my face as he gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It's understanding that you've been asleep that long, you've been sick with a fever and possibly heat exhaustion. I'm not completely sure what happened to your friends as they left you here by yourself and ran." He frowned at the last part as I shook my head.

"No, I gave them a way out and volunteered to distract you as I was already sick. What makes you think they'd leave me behind?" I questioned back while frowning as he still stood towering over me. "And for God's sake, stop towering over me! You can't intimidate me that easily!" I loudly proclaimed while standing to my feet as the blanket fell from my shoulders. He immediately looked as if he were straining himself to keep his eyes on me.

"I-uh umm, could you please sit down for a second?" He questioned while scratching the back of his neck as I frowned down at him.

"No, I will not be intimidated by you. You think you can just use your size against me, but I'm a big girl! I can stand up for myself! After all, you were the one hunting us!" I loudly exclaimed as his cheek and the tips of his pointy ears turned a darker red. What was his problem?

"I can't talk to you like this. I'm just going to go out for a walk real quick." He mumbled while standing to his full height before looking down at me, this time his gaze straying. He looked me from head to toe before tossing the blanket back over me. "If something happens, just yell." He called over his shoulder as he opened up the entrance before climbing out and closing it behind him.

"Again, what was his problem?" I asked myself while looking down at the blanket before realization dawned one me. I was standing here, in my small cami and white panties, yelling at Kai who tried to be polite about the fact that I had my titties in his face. Dropping back down on the bed, I hid myself under the blanket with the cup still in my hand. "Holy fuck." I cursed while sipping the liquid in the cup without thinking before grimacing. "Yuck!" I exclaimed while pushing the cup back towards the hearth. That was the most nastiest shit I ever tasted!

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