Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I gently placed Lily down on the couch as she continued to frown up at me. Though I wanted to tell her this much earlier than now, we were more focused on getting her to see her friends. I was also busy with preparing for the upcoming mating season. The lock on my door would keep me from claiming Lily and it would keep her safe.

"Kaisen." Lily called, a slight change in her tone as I turned to look at her. She was now full on frowning at me, her lips pursed in a thin line. "What did he mean by a sacred ritual?" She asked as I knelt down in front of her while slowly pulling the blanket away from over her head.

"When my people find their mates, they have a sacred ritual where they become one before the Gods and Goddesses. It's kind of like a wedding to your people but it's a traditional thing for my people." I explained as she searched my face before focusing back on my eyes. "The creature we hunted sprays a pheromone that's just like an aphrodisiac back in your world. The sacred ritual is supposed to bring us more together without the help of an aphrodisiac but we could do it without the ceremony." I added as she stared at me with confusion in her eyes.

"Do it as in have sex?" She asked as I nodded. "So, what would be the whole point of the ritual if we can already do it now?"

"It would be like we're getting married but we're just becoming fully mated. Once we're mated though, we're mated for life. So, when the mating seasons come around, you'll feel its effect as much as I feel it. Our bodies will start tuning up to each other, matching one another's steps." I explained as she seemed taken aback by the new information. "We've both been so busy that I forgot to tell you about it."

"Ah, it's okay. That explains my sudden change of thoughts and my odd behavior around you. It's like my thoughts are consumed by you. I thought it was weird how I went from thinking about surviving with my friends to wanting to be in your arms all day." She sighed as I nodded in understanding. She was new to this bonding since she just got here but I've been exposed to it my entire life.

Smiling, I gently caressed her cheek as she leaned into my touch. "It's okay. I'll be here while you come to terms on what you would like to do." I whispered while kissing her forehead before standing up. "Now, would you like something to eat and some help getting dressed?" I asked as she pouted at me.

"See, I wouldn't need assistance if you hadn't driven me past my limit. But, food would be nice." She pouted as I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was being. "I'm glad one of us is laughing." She added as I picked her up again.


We spent most of the day just hanging around the house, relaxing. I eventually took her into my workshop to show her something important. I also had to make sure I hid her gift in time.

"What are we doing here?" She asked while looking around at all of my gadgets and jigs. Her face lit up in amazement as she finally looked up at some of the gadgets hanging from the ceiling. "Wow, Kai! These all look amazing!" She smiled while looking around more from her seat.

"Thank you, Lily." I smiled back as I could feel the heat spreading across my face at her compliment. "I brought you here to show you this button in case of an emergency." I explained while picking her up so she could see the big red button laying on the table near the door. "There's one here, one in the kitchen, by the back door, in my room, and near the front door. I've made these so that if it's pressed, I'll be able to not only hear the blaring horn but also get an alert on this." I announced while picking up the small bracelet before showing it to her. "This is a telecommunicator I've been working on for many many moons. I've finally finished the prototype and have made enough to give to the other tribes once we go out." I explained as she looked on in excitement.

"So, we'll be able to talk to people in other tribes without having to visit them?" She asked, her eyes were gleaming with hope as I couldn't help but to smile at her. I loved how excited she was about my work. I only hope she's this excited when I give her her gift.

"We will indeed. I've made one for you and your friends as well." I stated while pulling up a stool with my foot before setting her down on it. "Give me one second while I find yours." I hummed with my back to her as I picked through the different bracelets before I found hers. I made hers a slightly different color with more gadgets and had it tuned more to mine so in case something happened, it'd be easier for us to find each other. "Okay, so this one is a little special. Besides it's dark blue color, I've tuned it with mine so that we'll be able to find each other and it'll be easier for us to communicate especially if we're far or I go off on a mission." I explained while holding her hand before fastening the bracelet on it.

"How would I communicate with you?" She asked while staring at the bracelet in confusion.

"Since it's harder for you to touch, I add a new type of command for you into the system. You just flip your wrist and say who you want. It'll automatically register your voice and will do as you say. Pretty nifty, eh?" I smiled as she looked between me and the bracelet before pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled into her embrace. She was warm and comforting.

"Thank you so much, Kai." She mumbled from my hair that she seemed to have buried into. "I've been meaning to ask you this as well, why do you have long hair? Is it a preference or a tradition? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love your hair but I've been very curious." She inquired once we pulled away from each other. I think this was the first time I've heard her say she likes my hair. I thought to myself as I could feel my cheeks heat up while I stared at her in admiration.

"It's a tradition in my family where we'll grow out our hair for our mate's preference. It's an old time tradition but I wanted to still participate in it. I wanted my mate to enjoy my hair to their liking." I explained while caressing her cheek as she smiled up at me.

"I like your hair no matter what you do to it, Kai. Whether you keep it long or cut it short, I'll still love it no matter what. As long as you don't let it hurt you in any way." She expressed while running her hand over the braid I had it in. Sweet mother of all, I couldn't be any more happier to be paired with such a loving and beautiful mate. I thought to myself while smiling before I picked her up as she started laughing.

"Now, my beautiful mate. Let's go get ready for tonight. We'll be doing plenty of traveling and eating." I explained while kissing her as she wrapped her arm around my neck to steady herself.

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