Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I hung outside the cave for a little as Neau bounced around, torturing some poor creature that was lurking amongst the fog. Taking a few deep breaths, I rubbed my hand down my face as the thought kept popping up in my head. How could she not notice that her breasts were in my face? Or the fact that she was still in her small undergarments?

"Neau." I call as she quickly whipped her head towards me, the creature beneath her feet. "Watch over the cave, I'll be back." I called back to her as she slowly trotted over to me before I grabbed my weapons off of her. Once I was finished, she quickly pounced back on the creature that tried to run from her. I would just go burn some steam and bring back dinner. I thought to myself while heading off a little from the gathering cave.

It had been a few hours as the glow of the third star had shifted. Slowly dragging the large body of a Sfram across the sand, I slowly opened back up the entrance to the cavern before dropping down into it. Looking around the cavern, I was surprised to see the beautiful creature staring back at me with the blanket still wrapped around her. The fire had long been gone out as only the embers remained.

"Is that you, Kai?" She called out in the darkness as I quickly sealed the entrance before moving over to one of my satchels. Quickly shuffling through it, I found my striker and a few bones before making another fire as she stared at me with her left hand raised. "Sorry, I didn't know who you were." She explained as I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion before noticing the roots slipping back into the rocks.

"The roots just moved?" I inquired more in shock as she nodded her head before her arm disappeared beneath the blanket. "Will it be okay if I bring in a Sfram and skin it for a late meal?" I asked on as she nodded even though her face was filled with confusion. Quickly peeking back out of the entrance, I pulled the body through the hole as it fell down on my side. I had drained the blood from it before I brought it back so all I had to do was skin it. "So, are you going to tell me your name and what happened with the roots?" I had pulled my knife from my sheath when I noticed that she had moved a little closer.

"I'm sorry, my mom always told me it was rude to not introduce myself first before I start running my mouth." She quietly laughed while looking down at the flames before looking up at me. "It's nice to meet you, Kai. My name is Lilium but I used to be called Lily before I got here." She smiled even though it never reached her eyes. "I'm a nature witch so I can control mostly all plant life." She informed while slowly raising her left hand as a root swirled out from the rock wall behind her. "Before I was dropped off here, I was practicing on growing plants from thin air. But, that wasn't successful and the closest I got was growing and reviving plants." She added while bringing the root closer before gently touching it as a white flower began to bloom.

"Lily, that's really amazing! The flower is also very beautiful!" I exclaimed as she looked at me surprised while I started skinning the Sfram. "You have such amazing powers. Were you the one who pulled down Neau?" I questioned as she looked at me slightly confused.

"Neau? Who's that?"

"Ahh, you probably haven't seen her but she was the Sran that I was riding on. She's currently outside the cavern hunting." I stated while pointing the blade up toward the entrance as noises came from above. Looking back over at her, her lips formed an o before she nodded.

"Are you going to ever explain to me what half of these creatures are? Or why you've taken everything off except for your mask?" She asked as I completely forgot about my mask. With my hands full with the dead Sfram, I couldn't really take off my mask. Ushering her over, she quietly walked over and sat down next to me while staring from me to the dead creature in my hands.

"This is a Sfram. I think your species would refer to it as a lamb but it doesn't exactly have the skin on one." I explained as she quietly nodded. "These creatures are good for food, clothing, and milk. Their skin is just like the Cliaggoron that you and the others encountered when you arrived." She tilted her head again as I started to understand that as meaning she was confused. "It was the giant worm like creature with a beak that you encountered." I added as her mouth formed an o again before she met my eyes.

"It's kind of weird how you can understand my language and talk to me so fluently. Our movies made it seem like aliens would not know our language and that they were all even." She explained as I slipped the skin off of the Sfram.

"This isn't the first time humans have stepped on Sinniriel but that's a story for another time. For now, I'm curious to whether or not this is disturbing to you? You barely take your eyes off of it." I stated as she looked up from my bloody hands before looking me in the eyes.

"I would love to hear that story of the first humans stepping onto Sinniriel later but no, this doesn't exactly disturb me. It's more disturbing to see you doing this and not offering to teach me." She laughed with a smile resting on her face. "I'm joking, that came off a little snobby. But, I am really curious about skinning Shuframs and hunting. I used to do it with my mom when I was little." She explained while pronouncing Sframs in an odd way.

"Can you pronounce Sfram, Sran, and Cliaggoron for me?"

"Yeah, sure. Shuframs, Surans, and Cliaggoron." She proclaimed with excitement as I couldn't help but laugh at her attempts. It was like seeing a little youngling trying to pronounce it. It was beyond adorable. "What? Why are you laughing?" She asked, squinting at me as I redirected my gaze back to the Sfram. Ah, I hope I didn't hurt her feelings.

"Your prounouciation was very interesting. I've never heard it pronounced the way you do." I tried to explain as she ducked down so that our eyes would meet as I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I spit out through laughs as she pursed her lips together.

"Because when you pronounce those words, it's like you're vibrating those words and rolling your r's or something. It's really pretty but I absolutely can not do that." She laughed while sitting back down beside me. We spent the rest of the night talking and fussing as I showed her how to properly skin and cut a Sfram.

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