chapter 31

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Time Skip to beginning of Chamber of Secrets-

Sitting in my room with Harry was calming. Knowing we could both move around and do things without hitting either the wall or each other. When we had returned from Hogwarts, our aunt and uncle had feared us. They did not know we couldn't use our magic outside of school yet. Harry and I used this to our advantage, we eventually got a room, it was Dudley's second room. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had made Dudley do some chores, in fear of how we would act, even they did somethings. However, this doesn't mean they suddenly became a dream family. They still made us still our rooms in silence, yelled at us if our owls were not quite, they would not even allow us to let them out of their cages to for them fly.

Which is what we are currently dealing with. Both Hedwig and my owl [A/N: I still don't have any name for the owl, suggestions are welcomed] are getting antsy in their cages, they are squawking and picking at the locks we were forced to place on their cages.

"If you don't both quite down, you are going to get us in trouble, we know how it feels to be confined, but we can't let you out, or else Uncle Vernon make us move back to the cupboard." I state walking towards the birds to pet them in hopes it will calm their nerves. As I walk away Harry sits on his bed looking the window. I know he is waiting for a letter from his friends. My attempt to calm our pets didn't work. This was evident when we heard our names called by our uncle, who is clearly annoyed.

We both slowly make out way down to the kitchen where we see Aunt Petunia decorating a cake for the gathering the plan to hold this evening. All three of the Dursley's are dressed in their best clothing, hoping to win the approval of the guests.

"I'm warning you both. If you can't control those bloody birds, they'll have to go" Uncle Vernon says with his typical sour face.

"But their bored. If only we could let them out for... an hour or two." Harry rebuts Vernon's warning; he is less afraid of them since realising we have a better place to be. We are only ever going to be here during the summer holidays, and once school is over, we will be returning to the wizarding world to live there.

Uncle Vernon chuckles before responding "So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? Not happening." Harry looks to the floor after the comment, neither of us had received a letter. I assumed I wouldn't as I had told Draco and Carter not to, due to my family. But Harry had Ron and Hermione, who always had something to say, be it Hermione reminding the other two of work needing to be done, or Ron sharing stories of his large and chaotic family.

"But we haven't had any messages from any of our friends. Not one. All summer." I feel stupid for attempting to guilt a man who doesn't care, but it was my only way to try to allow us to let out poor bird out.

"Who would want to be friends with you?" Dudley says as he pushes past Harry. I stare at him as he goes to eat the cake, you think he would have learned after Hagrid pit a tail on him last year. It suddenly hits me how strange it would be to explain to someone that a strange tall man broke into the place we were staying far out at sea because we were being swamped with mysterious letters, that the same man took us to another place, with people like us, where we were famous and heroes. It seems so strange. It is only when I hear Vernon say we must 'go over the schedule again' that I pay attention. Knowing that if I don't answer he will be more upset and possibly revoke all the freedoms we have.

"Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?" Vernon has a smile on his face, when Petunia answers without hesitation and with an even larger, yet thinner smile.

"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home."

"Good. And, Dudley, you will be...?"

"I'll be waiting to open the door." This family is becoming experts at being the fakest people I have even seen. They are all so cruel to us, yet know they can act like angles.

"Excellent." All three of them turn to Harry and I, expectantly. We know what we have to say so we are prepared. Vernon had been drilling this into us for weeks, threatening if anything goes wrong, he will blame us. "And you...?" If I could slap mt fat uncle, I would do it with no hesitation. One day he will suffer. I am determined to make him feel even a slither of how he made Harry and I feel for the first eleven years of our lives.

"We'll be in our bedroom, making no noise and pretending that we don't exist." Harry and I said the line in the most monotone voice we could muster. I wish I could use the same attitude paired with the same confidence I would have if anyone else were to try to make me or Harry feel this stupid.

"Too right you will. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career, and you will not mess it up." As my uncle finishes his sentence, the doorbell rings. Harry and I are pushed up the stairs as fast as possible. As we get close to our door, we hear Vernon welcoming the guests, but we also hear laughing.

But it is not from downstairs, its coming from our room. We share a look before I grab the handle and twist it to open to see the strangest sight. I don't even know what it is. 

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