Babysitting | Grian & Doc

779 26 18

Little; Grian
Babysitter; Doc
Requested by; DimitrescuIloveYou
CW/TW; Nothing I can think of. If there is anything triggering let me know and I'll put it here.

A/N; Y'all probably wouldn't believe me if I said what I was watching while writing this lol enjoy the update


"Again, I'm very sorry for misunderstanding the other day," Doc apologized for what seemed like the thousandth time. After Mumbo had reprimanded him and he'd done some research of his own, the creeper hybrid hasn't stopped apologizing to the three.

"It's okay, Doc, you didn't know."

Scar had just finished telling Doc where Grian's little things were so he could take care of him if he regressed before Scar and Mumbo got back. Mumbo and Scar were going to go get materials together and Doc had offered to keep an eye on Grian for them. Which mostly meant hang around Grian's base with him and stand in for them if he regressed.

"Alright, Grian don't blow anything up!" Mumbo called as the two were going to leave. The blond looked up from where he'd been sitting with Jellie a confused expression on his face.

"I'll make sure he won't, be safe you two."

And with that it was just Doc and Grian. The latter already running about planning something to do.

"What're you doing, bud?" Doc asked when Grian walked by him for the third time. The blonde stopped dead in his tracks.

"That's a littlespace only thing, don't call me that when I'm not little," Grian said, shooting Doc a frown. The hybrid put his hands up slightly, looking down and away from him.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I just don't want to be small right now and that is a very quick way to get me there."

"Alright. What are you doing, though?"

"I'm getting stuff to decorate my base a bit," Grian said, continuing to grab things from his chests.

"Do you want help with that?" Doc asked, following Grian with his eye as the blonde wandered back and forth to get things.

"Sure, it'll probably get done quicker, thanks," Grian said, flashing a quick smile to Doc. The creeper returned it but not before Grian looked away from him. His brain too focused on his task to pay attention to Doc for more than a sentence. Doc followed him around, helping him cary things and put things in higher spaces. It was while they were decorating his room did things change. Grian grabbed a fuzzy blanket that he was going to put in the corner for a littlespace area and then wouldn't put it down.

"Where are you wanting to put that, Grian?" Doc asked, planning to offer to put it there for him.

"Da- The corner," Grian quickly corrected his wording, not wanting Doc to realize he'd started to regress. Grian still wasn't exactly confident that Doc would be okay with it. Even if that was the whole reason Doc was here right now and not working on something of his.

"Alright, would you like me to put it there?" Doc held out a hand to take it from him if Grian said yes. The blonde tugged it close to his chest with a quick shaking of his head.

"Nu! It mine!" he backed up, scowling at the other. Doc pulled his hand back, a slightly shocked expression on his face. He hadn't expected Grian to get that defensive over it.

"I know it's yours, bud, I'm not gonna take it. I was just asking if you wanted help."

"No hewp. My bankie," Grian mumbled, nuzzling into the fuzzy fabric.

"Okay, your blankie. I won't take it, I promise. Would you like to do something else? I don't know if decorating is all that fun for a little boy," Doc asked, offering his friend a smile. Grian nodded, still holding the blanket in a death grip.

"Cans I cowour?" Grian asked before nomming on the blanket.

"Of course you can, Grian," Doc said with a nod. "And don't bite that, it's not good for you."

Grian whined in response, biting more of it this time. Doc squinted at him.

"C'mon Gri, let's get you one of your teethers. I think Scar said they were in the kitchen and we can grab you a coloring book after, alright?"

"Okays," Grian mumbled, still chewing on the blanket. Doc led Grian back to the kitchen where he struggled for a bit to find a teether to hand to Grian. The little took it and immediately started chewing on it instead of the blanket he held.

"Alright, now to find stuff for coloring. Any idea where that'd be, little guy?" Doc asked, looking at his friend.

"Ums in da main 'oom," Grian mumbled, outright refusing to take the teether out of his mouth. Doc brought Grian into the main room and set to work looking around for coloring supplies. He'd found a coloring book and some crayons after a bit of searching and held them up proudly.

"Look what I found, bud!" he smiled, shaking the items a bit, happy he'd found them. Grian made a happy noise and wandered over, letting Doc set him up a space to colour. "Do you want a drink or something? Oh! How old are you?" Doc asked, having entirely forgotten to ask.

"Um cans I has appie juice? Ans Im fouw," Grian said with a tilt of his head, holding up four fingers.

"You got it, buddy," Doc went back into the kitchen and grabbed out a sippy cup that had birds printed on it and filled it with apple juice, making sure the lid was on tight before he brought it back to Grian. In that time Grian had busied himself, coloring a page of birds. Doc set it down quietly, not wanting to disturb an artsit at work.

Grian looked up the moment he saw the cup "Fanks Doccy," he murmured and continued coloring. While Grian was coloring Doc was looking through his communicator, occassionally glancing over to make sure Grian was okay. After a while of this Grian picked up the book and tapped Doc a whole bunch. "Doccy looks! Is birbs!" Grian smiled, holding up the picture to show to Doc.

"Great job, bud. They look great," Doc praised, patting Grian on the head. Scar and Mumbo had mentioned how Grian liked headpats.


Sorry I can't think of what else to add to this I hope you guys like it tho

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