Depth perception and knee pain | Grian & Scar

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Little; Grian
Caregiver; Scar
CW/TW; Injury, Blindness, Samgladiator is mentioned, YHS mentions, Kingdom of Valor mentions, Watcher fanon mentions, negative self talk, ableist jokes(written by an author who doesn't understand jokes like at all 😬), internalized ableism, the mindset of "I'm not disabled enough to need _", not taking care of one's own needs,

A/N; I'm projecting onto Grian here with the already bad depth perception, the knee pain, and the fear of actually using accessibility aids when you need them... Anyways! I stole the idea of Grian's cats being sorta service animals from my friend Ririsu_Jay who suggested it when I first mentioned the idea for this oneshot. This was originally just supposed to be about Grian's blindness but it was a bad pain day when I started writing so now G has my knee issues.


Grian's depth perception had always been pretty bad. It was made much worse when he'd gotten shot in Double Life, rendering him partially blind for the rest of the game. At least that's what he thought. He thought it was just for the game, that he'd be healed afterwards. Except he wasn't. No, Grian still couldn't see from that eye.

Grian's own base became a hellscape for him. Everything, he was always just slightly off on where something was. His feet and ankles are constantly bandaged and red from him hitting things he thought were far enough away. Even Maui and Pearl noticed.

The two felines had taken it upon themselves to walk alongside him, nudging him a lot to keep him from running into things. This fact kept bringing a smile to Grian's face. It was similar to how Jellie would block Scar from getting to certain places that were difficult to traverse in his wheelchair. Grian wondered if they were just lucky or if it was a cat thing.

Now, Maui and Pearl's help was confined to his base. Grian didn't like the idea of having them out and about with him. Both for fear of their safety and for fear of someone being mad at him. The exact reason he'd never used ramps or his braces back in high school, too afraid that someone would call him out for 'not really needing it'. He still didn't wear his knee braces often, only on days that pain was unbearable. On days that he really should just stay home. Even then, he took great care to hide them.

Today was one such day. His knees trembled near constantly even with the support of his braces. To make matters worse he'd bumped into the chests and shulkers almost six times each. Mumbo kept pointing it out, laughing, suggesting he get a cane if he was too blind to realize where their things were after the second time of hitting them. It was a joke. Even if it wasn't very nice, Grian understood that it was a joke. Not that that made it hurt any less. It was like when Sam would say 'been walking long?' whenever Grian's knees would give out and he'd stumble back in high school.

It wasn't until Scar joined them that anyone actually showed concern about the issue. Scar was out of his wheelchair today, though he still had it with him just in case. Grian wished he could do that, just have his mobility aid out in view and not be questioned or harassed. Now, he'd never actually been harassed about it but he'd also never had it in view, except for once in high school when Sam had made a lot of jokes about it, the rabbit even asked if he could wear them. As if his braces were some kind of accessory worn purely for style.

"Hey, G, are you alright?" Scar asked, stepping up beside him after he banged his shin on yet another chest. Grian did his best to shrug it off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't see it," he chuckled, giving his best smile. He opened his mouth to say something else when Mumbo cut in again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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