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Just some headcannons of mine since I haven't posted in a while. They're mostly about Ren and Grian but there are some others. Top image is a doodle of Grian I did a few days ago.

I will add to this eventually when I remember more or come up with more so stay tuned :>

- Ren wags his tail as a stim, typically happy but he'll still do it when upset or sad to calm down.

- People tend to not understand when Ren is actually mad due to his tail

- After Doc figures out what regression is he's basically server babysitter

- Ren regresses typically from 4-6 so he's not super tiny

- Both Ren and Grian bite to show affection (Ren is worse because fangs)

- Grian will just bite random things especially if he's told not to

- Never let Scar and Grian both be little together they will break something

- Grian has bad depth perception and is constantly running into things (this is totally not because I too have bad depth perception)

- Ren is colorblind because dog

- Grian can't see glass

- Nobody knows how Doc's coat is still white since redstone

- Hostile mob hybrids occasionally get targeted by iron golems or conduits (especially Doc)

- Grian was initially really scared of going to the next season due to Evo

- Grian remembers all the life games since he's admin

- Grian has made "aha" jokes to those who were there before without thinking and confusing them

- Grian's tail is very cat-like

- Whenever Grian takes care of Kitten! Scar, Scar will try and attack his tail

- Doc, Ren, and Grian are all digitigrade (they walk on their toes like dogs, cats, etc)

- Grian has bird talons

- Grian is very light due to hollow bones

- Grian also loves perching on things or people

- Doc hisses when he's scared or feels threatened (Creeper defense mechanism go brrr except he can't explode)

- Ren has dog legs

- Doc has almost lion like paws like big feline paws

- Doc is very quiet when he walks

- Grian can mimic sounds like a parrot
G may or may not use this talent to prank the other hermits

- Ren uses a lot of canine vocalizations without even thinking about it and occasionally replaces words with those vocalizations

- Grian focuses on not chirping and such but when he's focused on a build or something he makes all sorts of bird vocalizations to himself (like when he talks to the viewers about builds, this but he's chirping and such)

- Grian makes more bird vocalizations while little

- Doc likes cats but due to his creeper side is absolutely terrified of them

- Grian is scared of rabbits

- Grian will use literally anything but a knife

- Grian flaps his hands or wings when he's happy

- Ren wears sunglasses all of the time because his eyes tend to freak people out but also because he's sensitive to light

- If Grian has a pacifier he won't suck on it he'll just hold it in his mouth or chew on it

- Ren doesn't talk different in littlespace he uses the same voice as always

- Grian's ears are almost constantly ringing

- Grian has a lot of teethers partially because of his habit of chewing on things and partially because he has a habit of chewing on his hands hard enough to make them bleed

- Grian is rather consistent about eating rotten flesh when he's a red life (no I will not explain this one)

- Scar carries Jellie around a lot when he's regressed, Jellie just lets him

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